I have always wanted a drink named after me. I don't know why or where this came from, like a Shirley Temple, a Roy Rogers or an Arnold Palmer. I don't know what my drink would be, but I know that I would be very tasty.
50 Facts About Me | Amanda Faye
DiversosHere are 50 facts about, you guessed it, Amanda Faye! If you have yet to read my previous book, 50 Facts About Me | Matthias (Amanda's husband), go check it out. Amanda and Matthias are youtubers so go check their channel out if you haven't already...
Fact 12
I have always wanted a drink named after me. I don't know why or where this came from, like a Shirley Temple, a Roy Rogers or an Arnold Palmer. I don't know what my drink would be, but I know that I would be very tasty.