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"I'm lonely aren't I?"

Michael broke the awkward silence that had fell upon him and his best friend, Calum. Locking his phone, the image of his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend disappeared and was replaced with a black screen.

Calum looked up from the television, "You've got me. That's all you really need."

"I meant like a relationship. I haven't got anyone to, I don't know, love me?" Michael complained, swirling the silver band around his finger as the words left his lips. Calum stifled a laugh, facing Michael fully with a bemused look plastered across his face.

"Michael, you're young," Calum rolled his eyes, "Love's overrated anyway."

"You only say that because the 'love of your life' left you last week." He snorted, which made Calum hit him softly in the arm. The pair of them sat still, their minds drifting to various different things.

Calum was thinking about her. Like he always had done. But he was heartbroken, so the thoughts were a lot more sharp and short.

Michael was thinking about love. How it would feel to have someone who truly cared about you. Someone who's heart would somersault whenever someone spoke of his name. He just wanted to know what it felt like to be in love with somebody.

No words could describe the feeling Michael felt when he was able to wake up next to someone who wanted to be with him (or so he thought). It felt like he had been bathed in kindness and hope - he was actually happy. But the short term feeling was washed away as his lover for the night would get up to leave, insisting that she "had to go because her husband would be wondering where she had gone". And then Michael would be overcome with the sudden feel of guilt and regret because, damn, he had slept with someone who was already in love.

"We should try double dating." Michael hummed, breaking the silence with his words. Calum snorted, his gaze focused on the television in front of him.

"And why would we do that?" He asked, surprised as to what Michael had just suggested.

"Because you need to get over her, and well, I need to find someone." Michael answered, his answer not sounding one ounce of convincing. His tone was wobbly, his eyes focused on Calum intently.

"Fine... if you get us both dates for tonight, I'll come," Calum sighed, "But you're paying."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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