soul eater (girls night out)

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Albarn and Eater house

Maka Albarn cut the heat on the pasta and dipped a spoon in to taste it one more time. Deciding it was good enough; she pulled the bowls out and served it up. "Soul, diners ready!" she hollers through the open door way.

Soul stops pulling on his boots to scratch his head, Guess I forgot to tell her he thinks. "I'm not eating; the guys and I are going out tonight." Soul mumbles a little sheepishly, before tugging once more on a boot and heading out the front door. Maka stalks forward, anger mark throbbing on her forehead. "Soul you could have told me I made an entire pot of p-" She stops after seeing Souls already left.

The anger mark grows, "Soul, you idiot!" she grumbles. She closes her eyes while she calms down, letting out a sigh. She turns heading back into the kitchen to call the girls. Someone needs to eat this stuff.

Death the Kids mansion

Liz stretches, making one side of her hoodie fall off her shoulder. She watches as her sister, Patty, continues doodling crazily with a yellow crayon. Patty hums loudly as she finishes her....master piece. Both turn to look at the door when it opens and Kidd walks through.

Liz takes in the extra nice clothes; he's changed out of his suit and into a white dress shirt and dark jeans. "You're all fancy, goin somewhere?" she says setting down her magazine. "Apparently we're having a guy's night out." Kid answers as he straightens his shirt. "Can I come?" Patty giggles. Liz shrugs, making the hoodie fall down even farther, "Ya, I'm down for a little fun." She says.

"No, you're both staying here." Kidd finishes making his shirt symmetrical. "Why, I wanna go tooooo." Patty complains, and Liz narrows her eyes. "It's just the guys going out. And we're going out to have fun, without you girls." He says calmly grabbing his coat and walking to the door.

"Are you saying you can't have fun with us there?" Liz asks coldly, her face growing black and scary, "Maybe we'll go anyway." Kid frowns. "Why would you come to a guy's night out? AND WHY WOULD I LET YOU GO ANYWAY? YOU'RE NOT EVEN SYMMETRICAL!" he yells pointing to Liz's hoodie. "Fine, then us girls will have our own night out." Liz growls, behind her Patty let out a woot of satisfaction and claps her hands.

"Fine." Kid says, closing the door with a bang. "Patty get my phone and call up the girls, this is war."

Blackstar and Tsubaki's condo

"WISH YOUR GOD GOOD LUCK, HES OFF FOR HIS NIGHT OF AWESOMENESS!" Blackstar crows as he walks out the door, waving at his girlfriend. Tsubaki smiles pleasantly as she waves back. Keeping the happy mask on till the door closes. After it shuts with a clunk, her smile falls.

She can't help but think of the stuff that might happen. Blackstar is a good guy but he gets crazy at times, not to mention what might happen if he drinks. She worries about him cheating with some other big boobed girl, or even someone who's not big chested.

Maybe he'll just find someone prettier or get so drunk every girl looks nice. She bites her lip, going to sit on the couch. She's pulled out of her thoughts by her phone buzzing softly. "Hello?" she says timidly, afraid it's bad news.

"Tsubaki!" Patty's voice rings through the phone. She opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by the sounds of a scuffle on the other end. She hears Patty's maniacal laughter before someone says something. "Tsubaki? Hi, we

have an issue. Kid just basically told me we kill the guy's fun, which I take as a declaration of war. I'm gathering the girls up for a girl's night." Liz says, voice radiating excitement.

Tsubaki figures she's going to end up going anyway to keep the sisters in check. "I'm on my way." She says, hanging up. She sets the phone down, about to get up and go when she starts to think. Blackstar is out acting crazy, possibly cheating. The way he acts worries me, so why don't I act the same? Show him how he makes me feel, if I act like I might do anything he might understand. You know what? I'm going to have fun and go all out. She smiles a full smile, picking her phone up and heading out.

On the way down the stairs her phone rings again. "Hey Tsubaki." Maka's voice floats through the phone, "You already talk to Liz and Patty?" Tsubaki walks down the last step and starts down the side walk. "Hai, I'm on my way now." She hears Maka sigh. "Fine, I'm on my way too, and I'm bringing a pot of pasta." Tsubaki giggles, "See you there." Maka sighs again before letting out a "Yep, bye." Tsubaki closes the phone and begins to whistle as she walks.

 a/n: so what you think pretty good yes no well  I DONT OWN SOUL EATER OR ANYOTHER PERSON IN THIS STORY

soul:guys night whoop who...

maka: mmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaa chop!

soul: what the hell was that for

maka: for saying that im not fun

soul: but you arn't!

maka: oh ok mmmmmmaaaakkkkaaaaaa.....

soul: wait

a/n: ok then well i hope you like it and i mite be make more somas some of them come for you should  go look at it bye for now

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