copes! RUN!

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She leans over and whispers something into Tsubaki's ear. Tsubaki nods and brings her hands down to grasp the wheel.

In front of the club Death Beats

The three boys walked out the front doors of the club, yawning and still sipping drinks. In the distance they heard siren but the dismissed it as nothing. "We should get back, who knows what the girls are doing now." Soul says, nodding at a girl he danced with earlier. She smiled shyly and waved.

"Actually Liz said something about having a girls night." Kid says, supporting a slightly tipsy Blackstar. "LIKE THEIR NIGHT COULD HAVE SURPASSED MY AWESOME NIGHT OUT!" Blackstar hollers, then burps. "Yeah they probably just watched movies and baked or something." Soul agrees. That's when they hear the loud music pouring from something down the road. Every club on this street had music playing, most had it playing loudly, but this was at a new level it was so deafening.

The police sirens get louder, showing they were on their street. Across the way a drink cart stops rolling so the owner can look down the street. All of the sudden a black Bugatti stops in front of the alcohol cart across the street. All three jaws drop, at what they see.

Tsubaki in nothing but a bra, Patty in Liz's lap, a drunk guy, two lesbian strippers making out, and Maka standing on the back, missing a boot and waving an empty bottle around. Not to mention along the side of the car was some guy's name. "Vodka! Don't care what flavor!" Maka screams over the sound of Major Lazer's Bubble Butt. The guy at the cart, shocked, hands her a bottle and she throws a few ten dollar bills at him.

Then all four of the girls spot the boys. "WOOOOO! Hey~!" Tsubaki slurs at the three boys, before unclipping her bra and throwing in the street. "See, told you Kid!" Liz yells while Patty giggles crazily. "Hey! I would invite you but your all male!" Maka yells, before taking a swig and giggling. Then she looks at the guy drooling over the lesbians. "I'm just gonna pretend this guy is a cross dresser and doesn't have a dick." She takes another swig.

Suddenly a light illuminates them from above, they all look up to see a helicopter. "GOTTA GO! TSUBAKI PUNCH IT!" Maka yells, and they take off, seconds before the cop cars roar up behind them. "Holy shit, did you see what I just saw?" Soul whispers. The other two boys nod. Kid looks over to see both boys radiating rage.

"THAT WAS MY GIRLFRIEND! ALL THOSE GUYS WERE STARING AT MY SHRITLESS GIRLFRIEND!" Blackstar growls angrily. "What I wanna know is who the hell is Tyler Kagami? And who was the guy in the car? And what do they have to do with Maka?" Soul growls just as pissed as Blackstar. It had been obvious for a while that Soul liked Maka, so of course he would get jealous. "Come on let's just get them home." Kid sighs, summoning Beelzebub. Soul nods and hops on his Harley.

Maka P.O.V

Four laps around the city, Patty losing her shirt, and another bottle of vodka later, we pull up beside a corn field. We managed to lose the helicopter but the cop cars are still following. I hop out, my other boot falling off and bouncing into a ditch. Tsubaki, and the twin pistols follow suit.

"Hey, you." I say to the guy. "Drive." I point to the steering wheel. He beams and jumps up front taking off. We hear the sirens growing close and dive into the tall corn stalks. We run for a while, losing our shoes on the way, before we come to a bare spot. Liz bends over to catch her breath and I collapse on the ground, sprawling out. Patty lays down beside me and Tsubaki sits down on the other side. Liz soon follows suit, laying on the ground too.

"That. Was. SO. Fun." Patty wheezes and I laugh breathlessly, letting my eyelids close slowly. I hiccup and scratch my hair, stupid glitter. Then I clonk out. One things for sure, I can hold my liquor excellently, not throwing up, slurring, or stumbling around, but then I have to sleep it off. The last thing I think is: Hey, none of us are in jail, but shit! Tomorrows going to suck.

Soul P.O.V.

It takes two hours, but we finally find the girls. I spotted a single black boot beside the corn field and pull over. Blackstar blew past me, running straight into the field, Kid soon following on his board. I park my bike and head off into the field too. It takes a while, since Blackstar got lost and we had to find him, but we find the girls. They look fine, but very drunk.

Liz was the only one still awake, but just barely, she couldn't even stand. Blackstar, picks up Tsubaki, before nodding to us and leaving silently, careful not to wake any of the girls. Liz, still awake transforms into her gun form. Kid tucks her into his front pocket, before grabbing her sister and heading off also after handing me the six bucks he owed me.

"You idiot." I whisper to the sleeping blonde as I lift her into my arms. I head back through the field, using one hand to shield Maka from the stalks. When we get back to the bike I realize this isn't going to work. If she can't hold on the bike isn't going to be able to take us back home. So I shift her so I'm carrying her bridal style, and begin the walk home.

I'm going to have to walk back after I tuck Maka in to bed to get it. Oh well, it's fine. I decided something earlier today, when Maka's done with whatever the hell this is, I'll ask her out. I don't care if she just thinks of me as a weapon, she needs to know.

a/n: hope you like

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