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Shiro arrived at Robloxterra. Looks like he still can't talk yet... All he saw was players teleporting everywhere with tablets. A place searching tablet. Shiro stood up to some game called "Catalog Heaven." (external link down) He went to join it. There was another elevator, and some people stood up with him. He caught an eye on one green robloxian wearing combat pants, a green hoodie, a sunglass and has yellow hair. Was he here to follow you or not? Shiro was surprised at the sight of space. Guestia was a moon with a massive grass cap. As soon Shiro arrived at the place, He was...confused. The sky was day, not space. He soon turned around and saw the green robloxian staring at Shiro floating with a colorful carpet. "Oh. uh... you're new to robloxterra, Right? can you talk?" Shiro shaked his head. "....Why not push the "/" button beside you?" Shiro soon found a floating button with a / mark. He pressed it. "....Oh, so am i talking?" "yup. Well, search Rainbow and get the carpet, and come." The green robloxian said. Shiro looked up and pressed the catalog button. He searched "Rainbow" and soon got the carpet. He flew to follow the green robloxian. "Anyways, i'm PixelCreeper007. (my friend in ROBLOX) What's your name?" Pixel said. "I'm Shiro." Shiro replied to him slowly. Was he shy? Pixel started to press some buttons, and suddenly on Shiro's side, there was a notification of Pixel wanting to be friends. "Wanna be friends?" Pixel said in a Guesty voice. "Alright?" Shiro pressed the button. "YOU ARE NOW FRIENDS WITH PIXELCREEPER007!"

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