shsjjsh, sorry more coming later .

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sorry for the mistakes,I didn't proof read.more coming later tonight, sorry for the wait on a chapter.

We stayed at the restaurant a couple hours and then decided to take it back to the house.  It was about nine o'clock when we got home,  and everyone was back. I decided to go into Chres's room and see how everything went.

" hey " I said walking in.

"wassup " he said changing the channel.

"so how was it today? " I said sitting in the middle of his bed.

"it actually was good, I can't wait for the baby. ".

"that's good Chres, I'm proud of you. "

" it's about time. "

"I've always been proud of you Chres. "

"I don't see why, I haven't did anything. "

"you haven't did anything?  Chres where would I be with out you like honestly? You know how much stuff would have happened if it wasn't for you? "

" I haven't did anything you couldn't do on your own. I have a baby coming into my life and I don't even feel like I can provide for it or Olivia. "

"CHRES!  we have plenty of money,  what the hell are you talking about? "

"I don't know, I just feel so in organized. "

"you know what , I've been putting this off far too long. We're both about to full out these papers online for this online college, that's the first step."

I went in my room and got my laptop and came back going to the website. I gave him the laptop after I filled out my information.

" now were both signed up " I said closing the laptop.

" thank you " he said kissing my cheek.

I went back in my room and saw Jacob dancing.

"babe I didn't know you could dance. "

"you didnt? "

"well I've seen you dance around the house but I  didn't know you could actually dance. "

" oh well yeah "

"have you ever thought to do that professionally? "

"of course, I always wanted to be a dancer.Dancing is my passion. "

"Why haven't you ever tried to? "

"I don't know.... " he said looking down.

" babe....  have I been the reason you haven't tried? "

" of course not "

I knew when he was lieing but.....

" I'm sorry baby, I didn't know I was stopping you.

If anything I want to be the one that's there for you and supports you one hundred percent the whole way. I think you should pursue your dreams, you shouldn't let anyone stop you from doing that. "

"you think so ? It's this audition next week I wanted to go to... "

"you should go, "

"come with me "

"If you want me to "

"of course I want you to come "

I feel like I've achieved something today, I've helped two people. Tomorrow is by bachelorette party and I'm excited, the girls planned everything.

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