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{vocal unit}

Not too far away from the other groups of boys was five runaway boys, all living underneath a bridge. All oblivious to what was happening only a mile or two away from them.

These five were a family, maybe not by blood but the bonds they had developed since grouping together made them feel as though they were. The eldest and boss of the five was jeonghan, he was eighteen and looked after the boys like a mother. His hair was shoulder length, straight and black, he was rather pretty for a boy.

Then there was joshua, a very kind and caring boy. He was seventeen, a year younger then jeonghan. His hair was a chestnut brown, eyes bright and pure. Truth be told, joshua had the smallest of crushes on the elder, but he would never admit it.

Then came the sixteen year old, jihoon. He was a small boy with chubby cheeks and light brown hair, very cute and adorable. But the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' really related to the smaller, in more then one way.

Seokmin was only fourteen and even though he was a runaway, he always had a smile from ear to ear plastered on his face. He was oquite tall for his age, his hair was fluffy and a dark brown colour. He was really close to the youngest of them all, always looking after the boy and joking around with him.

Said boy was only eleven, his name seungkwan yet the others called him boo. He had brown hair, the tips slightly curled as they sat over his forehead, his cheeks rather chubby. He was overall a cute yet handsome boy.

The bridge they all stayed under was in an abandoned town, everyone moving out the town years ago when a fire destroyed everything. But the boys didn't mind, it was quiet and peaceful. Plus there was no one who could try and take them to an orphanage.

"I think we need to take a trip into the town tomorrow" joshua yawned softly, sitting down next to jeonghan around the fire jihoon had made an hour ago. "We're running low on needed supplies" he told the elder who leaned his head against joshuas shoulder.

"We'll go in the morning, me and you on food, jihoon on drinks and seokmin and seungkwan can sing and try get some money" jeonghan told the boy there regular plan, like he does every time they go into town.

"Let's just hope jihoon doesn't get himself into trouble again and boo take the money and buy ice cream" joshua laughed lightly, remembering finding seungkwan at an ice cream truck trying to carry five ice creams and failing terribly.

"Yeah, let's hope so" jeonghan chuckled lightly, moving a stay strand of his hair from his face as he sat up, scanning the area for the others. Jihoon was already sleeping peacefully next to the fire while seokmin and seungkwan were having a game of X's and O's in the dirt. "Boys, come on! Time to get some rest now" he shouted, a rather loud whine coming from the eleven year old, but they did as they were told.

Both dragging there feet as they made there way over to the others, plopping down next to the fire and cuddling up next to each other. "Night" seungkwan hummed, burying his face in seokmins chest.

"Night boys" jeonghan hummed, leaning back and watching over the four until the finally fell asleep, letting sleep was over his body.

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