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~ Soonyoung ~

It was the crack of dawn when Soonyoung rose from his sleep, mainly because the small and chubby boy he'd been sleeping next to had accidentally kicked him. But he was up now and couldn't get himself to fall back asleep no matter how hard he tried to, so the young boy carefully slipped out from his space between Joshua and Seungkwan and carefully tip toed between all the sleeping bodies over to the small hole which they called the window. Soonyoung sat himself down next to the window, one arm dangling over the edge of the wooden hole. Everywhere was silent, the only sound Soonyoung could hear was the soft snores of the young boys sleeping behind him.

And then the creaking sound of wood being stood on filled the youngsters ears causing his head to snap around, the grumpy morning Jihoon coming into his sight. "Good morning," Soonyoung greeted gently, being slightly timid around the younger male since he seen how Jihoon acted with Mingyu the day before.

Jihoons sleepy and moody gaze fell on the brunette male as he worked his way around the sleeping people, sitting down next to Soonyoung and gazing out the window. "Mornin'," The younger gave a small head nod in acknowledgment to go with his wish of good morning.

And then everything fell into silence once again. There wasn't even the low gurgle or growls of the undead, which told both the young boys that outside was most likely clear of danger. After awhile, Soonyoung cleared his throat and looked over at Jihoon as he debated on making conversation with the younger and grumpier male. "I used to cherish the little silence around the house," Soonyoung began, turning his attention to the still trees around the tree house. "Since it was always so busy and loud at home. But now I hate it, and I miss things that I took for granted. But most of all, I miss the sound of birds in the morning. Something that I loved to listen to each morning, but now it's just silent..."

Soonyoung didn't think Jihoon would reply, since he didn't say or do anything for a good few minutes. Soonyoung glanced at the quiet male just in time to see his tongue peek out to wet his lips, his lips forming a small 'o' shape as he began to whistle a bird tune. Jihoon didn't even glance at Soonyoung as he whistled the tune, too flustered by his actions. But despite the harsh and mean look he seemed to have, Jihoon could be caring and sweet when he wanted to. And the least he could do in this shitty world was help a kid hear something he loved. So he did his best to mimic the songs he'd listened to every morning.

One by one the others began to wake to the new sound, which Soonyoung and Jihoon were oblivious to. But it was such a beautiful thing to wake to; the sound of birds singing happily in the trees again. Even if it was faked, a tune simple made up by a young boy trying to cheer the other up, it gave them all a sense of normality to their morning.

Jihoon stopped after a few minutes of peaceful whistling, feeling too flustered and embarrassed to even glance Soonyoungs way. So he went to turn around, only to be met with all the watching eyes of his fellow survivors. "Y-Yah!" He squeaked, his voice taking on an unnaturally high tone for a boy. A light pink dusted his cheeks, eyebrows furrowing and knitting together as he looked from figure to figure. "When did all of you wake up?!"

Soonyoungs attention had now fallen on the boys who had been sleeping last time he checked, looking from sleepy face to the next. "We woke to your whistling," Mingyu deadpanned as if it was obvious. "It was nice, don't look so flustered short fry."

"Short fry?!" Jihoon snapped, reaching down and picking a can of god knows what up before launching the can at Mingyus head. A array of insults following after his attempt of killing the young boy who'd insulted his height. "I'm a normal height for a boy my age! But because you're freakishly tall doesn't mean everyone else is short! You BFG; Big Fat Giant!" Jihoon retorted with a rather silly insult as Mingyu wasn't all that tall and he definitely wasn't fat.

"Okay, okay. Leave him alone," the usually quiet Wonwoo perked up, wrapping a rather protective arm around Mingyu before flicking his forehead. "And you stop provoking him or I'm not going to protect you from his little rage out bursts! Be nice, we all have to get along no matter how much we dislike each other. We're safer together."

Both boys opened their mouth to speak, most likely to protest about getting along with each other. But before either got the chance to let what ever insults slip out, Soonyoung piped up with his agreement. "I agree. We need to work together if we want to be able to live reasonably well in this mess," Soonyoung sighed softly and looked out the window, watching a lone rotting person limp past. "We are too packed in here to stay, we need to leave and find some place else that's sheltered and safe. So if we can't get along then how can we trust each other?"

"He has a point," Seungcheols father like tone sounded above the others. "If we can't get along then how the hell can we trust each other?"

"We don't," Jeonghan said simply, shrugging his shoulders as his small group of boys all agreed with him. "We don't know any of you, we aren't going to trust that easily. And I'm sure out of everyone me and my boys are least trusted," with a deep sigh he ran his long and slender fingers through his greasy hair to push it back out of his face, his eyes flicking around the treehouse to glimpse at each figure. "None of use are going to trust each other that easily, but working together is vital. And I can assure you all that if you have our back, we will have yours. But put any of my boys in danger and I'll personally feed you to whatever the hell is out there." For such a pretty face Jeonghan could definitely be scary.

Junhui cleared his throat to gain the attention of everyone, "we need to move to some place bigger then this. So let's all just agree to at least work together to get some place safe. Forget about not trusting each other and think about helpless children that we have with us," he made a small and subtle hand gesture to chan he was sat next to him looking around with curious eyes.

"Oh! Oh! That's me!" Hansol suddenly exclaimed, his small hand shooting up into the air and waving around. "I'm one of the children!" He squeaked in an innocent tone.

"Yes you are~" Jeonghan cooed softly, reaching out to gently ruffle Hansols hair. "But you're a big boy, right?" He smiled softly as Hansol nodded quickly.

"Me too! Me too!" Chan squealed excitedly, wanting some of the angelic like males attention too. And when Jeonghan began to praise both the young boys they happily took it and began to speak to him.

And with the youngest of the thirteen boys occupied with being praised and having Jeonghans full attention on them, the rest all shared glances and silently agreed that working together to find a bigger safe place was the plan.


Holy shit look who's updated after months  😅
I just don't have much motivation to write anything lately, but I've been stressed so that's probably why. Anyway, I've been working on this for like two days because I just couldn't think. So I'm sorry if it's crappy and such but I hope it's a acceptable and y'all like it.

Grammar checked: nope

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