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"Congratulations! You're not blind!" Lucy said with a shrill voice coated with annoyance.

Natsu could only stand there, gaping at her. Which only served to annoy Lucy more.

"Seriously dude. What is wrong with you? You have a mouth, use it."

"Don't listen to her," Gray intervened. "She's just mad because, as she put it, 'they just got new computers at work, and these idiots don't know how to handle them and they want me to come back to work earlier.'"

Lucy scoffed. "Well it's true. If they don't know how to work with computers, they should just hire more M.I.T graduates. I mean, it only makes sense, right?"

This snapped snapped Natsu out of his trance, but not completely. He was still a stuttering idiot. "Y-y-you um went to um M.I.T?"

This seemed to make Lucy happy because she turned to him and smiled, "Top of my class."

Gray made his way over to her and hung his arm around her shoulder. "Can't you believe it? Our little Lucy grew up to be a beauty with brains!"

"Why thank you, kind sir," Lucy smiled sweetly at him and plugged in her speakers cord. Loud music suddenly started playing as she sat down again.

'Come on, come on, turn the radio on. It's Staurday, and I won't be long. Gotta painty nails, put my high heels on.
It's Saturday and I won't be long.'

"Well, I guess we'll leave you to your sunbathing," Gray said while pulling Natsu by his collar back into the house. Once inside, Natsu smacked Gray.

"What was that for?!"

"Why didn't you tell me Lucy was gonna be out there before we went outside?! I made a complete fool of myself!"

"Hey! I said Lucy was here and I told you to follow me outside. Who did you think you were gonna meet, huh? It was implied!"

Natsu realized he was right and started to promptly even out his now wrinkled clothes. "Well a proper warning would have been nice."

"Why? It's not like it matters anyways, she's seen you do stupid stuff before, so why does it matter now?"

"Because, Mr. Fullbuster. It's obvious that Lucy is the type of girl to like guys who are calm, cool and collected. Today, I wasn't any of them, which is weird because I'm normally all of them."

Gray squinted his eyes. "Why does it matter what type of guy she likes?"

"Because Gray, it just does," Natsu said with a smirk and a wink.

Gray caught on pretty quickly because he promptly stomped on Natsu foot.

"OWW!! Okay, what was that for?!"

Gray grabbed his arm and led him into the kitchen, making sure that they were a good amount of distance away from the patio door.

"No! Lucy is my friend and unlike you, I do care about her!" Gray whisper yelled.

"You already hurt her once and you saw how that turned out. We didn't see her for five years. Five years, Natsu! Think about that and let it sink in. Do you really want to hurt her that badly again? Now, especially that she trusts our families again and can actually look you in the eye?"

Natsu's smug smile was wiped clean off his face and he actually gave some thought in the matter.

"I told you I kept in touch with her. You know what I found out? It took her years to get past the initial embarrassment and forget about it. I had to bribe her to get her to come. Granted, she was going through some stuff she needed to get away from, but still! I had to get her a lifetime supply of Girl Scouts Cookies! Do you know how expensive those little b@$tards are?!"

Natsu took a deep breath and spoke in a calm voice.

"Look, I know I hurt Lucy but I didn't intend to! I was just mortified the whole thing even happened! But seeing Lucy now made me realize that she grew up strong, despite everything. She seems like an amazing person now and the looks are just a bonus. Let me give this a shot. Please."

Gray still looked very skeptical about the whole ordeal but none the less, nodded his head. Albeit, a bit reluctantly.

"Alright, fine. I'm still against it though," Gray said. He then got closer to Natsu's face, and Natsu could tell he was serious. He wasn't joking around.

"But if I find out that you hurt Lucy again, I will kick the testicles clean off you. You'll look like a Ken Doll down there. Agreed?"

Natsu shook his head quickly. "Agreed."

As Gray left the kitchen, Natsu got to making some drinks for him and Lucy to enjoy out on the patio.

'Oh, this is gonna be a piece of cake.'


Hello my peeps! I finally updated, after forever. I'm so sorry but I've been busy with other stories and I just got so caught up with everything going on in my life, so I sincerely apologize. But anyways, I hoped you liked it.

RosemaryScarlet83, out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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