Teen Wolf: Stiles

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Request by @TerraElizabeth

Stiles and I have been dating for about four months now. We are like the power couple at Beacon Hills and everyone knows about our relationship except for one. My brother Scott.

Yeah, you heard me right. My brother is Scott McCall. The big bad werewolf. Not the kind that eats the three little piggies or the one who pretends to be little red riding hoods grandma. He's one of the cool bad ass werewolves.

You see he's my twin brother and he's older than me by a minute and he will never let that go; plus he's very protective of me and if he found out that his sister and his best friend were dating he'd flip shit. I'm afraid that if Scott finds out it could ruin Scott and Stiles friendship. The dread doctors already did that and they just got back to being friends again.

Scott has a hard head though. He should have let Stiles explain what happened instead of yelling at him for killing Donovan when it was actually self defense.

A lot has happened between them and I saw how they both were when they were barely talking. You could tell they were both broken and when Stiles finally got his best friend back he was back to his normal self.

Stiles wants to tell Scott and so do I, but I don't feel like it is the right time.

I was sitting on the bleachers watching Stiles and Scott practice. It's their last season before we graduate so they are really going all out this year. I watched them goof off, when Lydia comes and sits next to me.

"Hey (y/n)! What's up?" She asked me, her beautiful hair blowing in the wind as she approaches me.

"Hey Lydia and nothing really just watching my brother and Stiles practice."

She looks down at the boys to where they are supposed to be "practicing".

"Looks like they are messing around more than they are practicing."

I laughed at her comment and nodded my head in agreement.

"So how are you and Stiles? Have you told Scott yet?" She asks me.

I look out at the field to see Stiles and I smile and look back at her.

"We are great as for telling Scott not for a little while. I'm not ready for him to know and I don't think he is yet."

I look back down at the field to see Scott staring at us.  My eyes widened in realization. I face palmed and looked at Lydia.

"Scott just heard us."

Her eyes widened in realization as well. We had totally forgotten that Scott has super sonic hearing.

We looked at each other until we heard yelling on the field.

"YOU ARE DATING MY SISTER?!?!?" Scott yells at Stiles.

Stiles cowers away from Scott and I run down to defend him. Scott might hurt Stiles, but if I get in the way he won't hurt him. 


Scott turns his head and looks at me, complete anger is written all across his face and something else. Betrayal?

His eyes started to turn red and I knew that his Alpha side was starting to come out. 

"Scott, please calm down before someone gets hurt."

I look down to see his nails growing as well as his teeth and he started to grow more facial hair.  I started to panic.  What if someone saw him?

"Scott!!!! Calm down before someone sees you."  I whisper yelled, trying not to attract attention to us.

We all tried to get him to calm down, but he just kept fighting until he ran off into the woods.

If only Allison were still here.  She was his anchor, not even Kira can calm him down.

I started to run towards the woods, going after Scott until I was grabbed around the waist, pulling me backwards.  I landed on someones chest and I immediately knew who it was.  I could recognize that scent anywhere.  It was Stiles.

I fought to get out of his arms, but he wouldn't let go of me.  Stiles has gotten stronger over the years, especially after the whole nogitsune incident.

"(Y/N), baby, please calm down.  Scott will come back and we can explain everything to him. Okay?" Stiles whispered into my ear and rubbed my lower back.  He knows that that is my weakness and calms me down almost immediately.

We all decided to go back to my house and wait until Scott comes back.

*Few Hours Later*

We were all sitting in silence by now and I was getting worried.  Its now 8:30 at night and Scott still isn't back yet. Then I heard the front door open and close with a bang.

We all turned our heads to see Scott in the doorway.  His face was still red, but he wasn't turning into a wolf anymore.  He looked at me then looked at Stiles.  If looks could kill Stiles would have died at least over a thousand times by now.

"How long has this been going on?" Scott asked looking between the two of us.

I looked to Stiles only to find him looking at me already.  I sighed and looked back at Scott.

"About four months." Stiles spoke up. Telling him this made his face become even more red.

"Who knew about this?" Scott pointed between Stiles and I.

"Pretty much everyone, but you." I looked at him in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He dropped his head as he said this. His mood had completely changed.  He went from totally pissed to being upset.

"Stiles and you were just starting to build your relationship back up and then to throw out that your best friend and I had just started dating could have ruined all of that and I didn't want to do that.  Stiles wanted to tell you, but I didn't think you were ready so Stiles kept it from you and so did everyone else. With what happened at school today is what I was trying to avoid." I looked up to find Scott in front on me.  I didn't even realize that Scott had moved.  He bent down to my level and hugged me.

"I am sorry for getting so mad.  To be honest if you could be with any man, I would want that guy to be Stiles. Like come on its Stiles."  Scott and I started laughing.

"Hey! I am right here." Scott and I looked at Stiles and started to laugh even more. 

Scott walked over to Stiles and pulled him up into a bro hug.

"You be good to my sister or else I will hurt you."

Stiles raise his hands as if Scott was going to arrest him.

"I promise I won't hurt her." 

I was really relieved to hear that Scott was okay with everything now.  I really like Stiles and Scott wasn't going to stop me from dating him anyways, but at least now I don't have to hide my relationship from my brother.


This is really bad. I am so sorry. I hope you like at least some of it. I finally got a Macbook so it'll be easier for me to update now!! If you have a musical.ly if you want you can follow me my user is @reannasperle if you do follow me please comment yours and ill follow back! Love you guys!! -R😘

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