The Internship: Stuart Twombly

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Quidditch Part 2


(h/t)= home town


*Few Hours Later*

By now every one was drunk except for me. I wasn't much of a drinker so I had a couple and then drank soda the rest of the night. Lyle went off somewhere with his crush Marielena and the rest of them went to get more drinks except for Stuart.

We sat there in awkward silence. I looked at the clock to see it was 11 and decided I should go back home. I stood up and looked at Stuart.

"If anyone asks tell them I went home."

I walked away before he could respond back to me and out the door. I heard the door opening behind me and then a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Stuart staring at me. I open my mouth to say something but to be cut off by a pair of lips on mine. Our lips meshed together as if they were made for each other.

The kiss had to have lasted a few minutes before either of us pulled away. When we pulled away from each other I looked at him in aw and he walked back inside before I had the chance to say something.


I stood there in shock.  I couldn't believe what had just happened.  I thought he hated me? I thought about going back in and questioning him, but when I looked at my phone it was closer to midnight now.  I really needed to get back to my apartment that google provided me with and get some sleep.  Even though we didn't have anything planned for tomorrow since it was the weekend, I still like my sleep.  I can question him about it tomorrow.  I waved over a cab and told him where to go.  I paid the cab driver and walked across the campus to where they kept their apartments for us.  I shared one with Neha since she needed somewhere cheap to stay and so I offered her to stay here with me so we split the rent.  Google is very open on the prices apparently when it comes to their workers and gives them an apartment that we can afford based off of what the price for an apartment is from where we came from before moving here.  Lucky me I came from (h/t) and a one bedroom apartment is between $450-$550.  So before Neha moved in I was paying $500 a month and since I get paid a lot working here I have enough money to pay that on my own.  Plus I don't like shopping and going out that much so I don't really spend that much money. 

I immediately got ready for bed once I walked through the door and when I laid down in bed all I could think about was the kiss between Stuart and I, but it didn't last long before I fell into a deep slumber.

*Mean while back with Stuart and the group*

Stuarts Pov

I walked back into the club after following (y/n) out.  I can't believe I kissed her.  I mean I have always had a crush on her since the first time I saw her, but I couldn't let her know that so I acted like the asshole I am to everyone else.  I sat back down on the couch that I was sitting on before I followed (y/n) out the door.  I sat there and waited for everyone to come back with their drinks.

"Where's (y/n)?"  Neha asked as they all walked over and sat back down.

"Did you scare her off again?" Nick said making everyone laugh.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"No. She said that she needed to get home."   I said to them, taking a drink of my beer.

They all nodded and carried on in a conversation and I just got onto my phone.  I played a few games until I heard someone say my name.  I looked up to see Billy trying to get my attention.

"So, Stuart, when are you finally going to ask her out?"  He asked, making everyone go quite to hear the answer to his question.

"Ask who out?" I asked, playing off as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"(Y/n).  When are you going to ask her out?"

"What makes you think I like her?  She's not even my type."  I said in a rude demeanor, trying to get them to back off and drop the subject.

"Oh come on.  We see the way you look at her.  You always give her snide comments like you do everyone else when she speaks to you, but when she isn't looking you are practically drooling over her."  Nick said.

"Not to mention I saw you snooping on her facebook, twitter, and instagram the other day." Neha said shocking me.  I didn't think anyone saw me since I was alone.

"Oh don't forget whenever Graham hits on (y/n) it looks like he wants to murder someone." Billy says making everyone laugh.

"Okay. Okay.  Yes I like (y/n). So what. Its not like she likes me anyways."  I said getting defensive.

"Oh she likes you back no doubt.  She doesn't say it, but I can just tell that she likes you just by the way she looks at you." Neha says, making me perk up a little bit.  Maybe I do have a chance with her after all.  She did kiss back after all when I kissed her.

It was passed one o'clock in the morning by now and we all decided to head back to our apartments at google.  Once we got there we went our separate ways saying goodnight and what not.  When I got to my room I pretty much just took off my glasses and plopped into bed to fall asleep not long after.  Only thinking about what I was going to say to (y/n) in the morning.  I need to talk to her.

*Skip to morning*

(Y/N) Pov

I was walking around the campus trying to find Lyle.  He was my best friend and I had to tell him about what happened last night between Stuart and I.  I was heading towards the library to see if he was in there when I saw Stuart in the distance.  The one person who I did not want to see at the moment and decided to turn around.  I heard someone running behind me, the footsteps getting louder and louder as they got closer.

"(Y/N), WAIT!!"  I heard what sounded like Stuarts voice, say from behind me.

I sighed and turned around to see Stuart run up to me, panting.

"I need to talk to you." He said, still trying to catch his breath.

"Okay.  What do you need to talk to me about?"  I was confused.  What did he want to talk to me about? Was it about the kiss? 

"It's about last night.  I just want you to know that I don't regret kissing you.  I know you think I am a jerk and all, but I really like you.  Will you please give me a chance to make it up to you?  Will you go on a date with me?"  He rambled on.  I thought it was kind of cute.

I thought about what he said.  I always liked him and all his snarky remarks.  I like a guy with spunk and won't take shit from anyone else.

"I'll give you a chance. Pick me up tomorrow at 7. Okay?"  I asked him, seeing him grin from ear to ear.

"Yeah! Great! Thank you for giving me a chance!  You won't regret it!  I promise!"  He says kissing my cheek before running off.

I watch him until he disappears from my sight and carry on, like before, trying to find Lyle.  The only difference is is that I am not only going to tell him about what happened last night, but also what had just taken place a couple minutes ago.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store.


I hope you guys enjoyed this.  Comment a request on who you would like me to do next Stuart, Stiles, Thomas or Dylan and what the plot should be.  Thank you for reading my lovely readers!  Until next time! -R 😘

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