My King

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"What mess have you thrust yourself into?" Matthew scolded, glancing over the man before him. His clothes were far beyond repair, tattered and soaked with blood. Matthew watched as the man panted, gripping the most painfull of the wounds he had received.
"Youre supposed to be the King, and yet, here you are, beaten so badly you fall to your knees." he stepped forward and watched as the wounded man shifted back, a look of pleading in his eyes.

"Matthew, dont." James muttered, and he glanced up at the guard at the door, his eyes filled with anger.
"Youre the queens guard, you'll simply let him do this?"

The red haired man only glanced down, his mouth set in a hard line, but his eyes sad and full of worry. "I am obeying the orders of the Queen." he said monotonously, the same words ge said said each time James had tried to talk his way out of this.

"Allen, as my brother, I'm begging you, dont let him do this."
Allen flinched, but he remained in his position.

"Now, Darling, dont make this hard for everyone, it only has to be hard for one of us." Matthew said softly. "He's only following orders."
Matthew knelt down, reaching out to touch James, to carress is cheek, only to have him jerk back, avoiding all contact.
"James. Dont make me call the rest of the guard to hold you down." Matthew muttered sternly, reaching out again.

"Please, Matthew, dont. You know I hate this." James pleaded again, though he knew it was no use.

"It is my duty as your queen. This is what I signed up for." Matthew smiled softly, and he winced as the his palm made contact with his lovers cheek.
James tried to jerk away, but he knew it wouldnt do any good. He watched in horror as blood started to seap through Matthew's golden robes, growing panicked as it stained them, and as his own pain faded. Matthew continued to smile, kissing James' forehead as he took the pain from his latest battle into his own smaller body.

"Matthew, stop! That's enough!"James commanded, his strenght returning enough to put power into his voice.
"If youre not able to sit on the throne to deal with the usurpers, the castle with crumble. If Im hurt-" Matthew paused to wimper quietly, his breathing irregular. "It will serve as a martyr."

"Youve done more than enough, let go." James said, staring at the blood on Matthews chest.
"It is my duty as a Queen-"
"Youve done your duty, Allen, hes taken over half of it, his duty is over, help me."
Allen moved almost immediately, pulling Matthew off of James, breaking the connection.
"Allen! You are disobeying-"
"You ordered me to keep anyone from interfering until you finished the job. The job is finished, I will not lose my queen today."
Allen set him on the cot, cutting the robes top part off and working of treating the wound Matthew now had to match James.
"Dammit, you always do this, you always take too much, I wont let you do this anymore."

"I-im fine, just a scratch." Matthew said softly, repeating James from earlier when he first came in with the wound.

James touched his cheek softly as Allen finsihed tending to him.
"Make sure he doesnt move much." the auburnet said tiredly, pattinf his brothers shoulder. "Im sorry." he mumbled, leaving quickly.

"Youre too reckless." James muttered, staring down at him.

"Said the one who recived the wound in the first place. Alfred told me you rushed in, that's unlike you." Matthew lifted a hand to place over James'.

"That's besides the point, why do you always do this? It hurts me so see you like this."

Matthew only smiled. "Maybe it will encourage you to be more careful next time."

"Do not make light of this situation-"

"If you could take this pain im feeling away, would you?"
Matthew murmered.

"Of course I would, youre my Queen, and my husband, I would do anything to protect-"

"And you are my King, as well as my husband. I will do everything to protect you."

James blinked in shock at the intensity in Matthew voice.

"I...I understand. I still do not like it...but I understand." he reassured him, kissing Matthews forehead softly. "I will be more careful, I swear, but only if you promise not to take so much onto yourself next time."

"I cannot prom-"

"Promise me."

Matthew chuckled, breaking off into a cough and a wince.
"Look at how we interupt each other, it's awfully rude." he smiled at James, whose gaze only became more pleading.

"Alright." Matthew said after a pause, his other hand coming to stroke James' cheek. "I promise."

With that, he pulled James down to kiss his nose. "Go have Allen clean your other wounds before they fester." he mumbled. "And makes sure Alfred knows I'm fine, or he wont leave Allen alone about it."

"Yes, Your Highness." James teased lightly, kissing him gently and stepping back with a dramatic bow, causing the smaller blonde to giggle.

"Oh, hush, and do as youre told. From what I understand, the trial is to be held tomorrow, and I will be going." he left no room for argument in his tone.

"But you said you would serve better as a marytr-"

"I said it would be better me than you, but as a pair,"he smiled softly, "out strength is greater."

James smiled back, a rare smile that often only belonged to his queen. "Out strength? You are, and always will be my strength." he said before slipping out, leaving Matthew to rest.

"How right he is." Matthew mumbled into the silence with a smile. "I am his as he is mine."

(i used a different name
It wont happen much, i just felt it was less confusing than matt and mattie.
What is james
What is a jame
Why is there multiple jame.

Anyway, i dont know what this is, enjoy.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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