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a u t h o r ' s   n o t e

A note on how this story will be organized: The story takes place over about 30 days (with an epilogue). Each day will be a single chapter, although I'll sometimes split these up into multiple parts if the chapter is too long. This means that my chapters will be all over the place in terms of length. Some might be 10+ pages; some might be 3; some days will probably be skipped. This is the first time I'm organizing a story like this, so please bear with me!

This story is completed. I will be posting regularly (every ~1 week).

s y n o p s i s

Allyra King never meant to do a lot of things. She never meant to be guilted into going to the party. She never meant to get drunk. She never meant to call her brother. She never meant for him to die. But reality doesn't reflect intentions. Ally knows that far too well. And so does her father.

Mitchell King never meant to do a lot of things. He never meant to blame Ally for his son's death. He never meant to wish her dead. He never meant for his wish to come true.

One fateful night and five words later, Ally's life is turned upside down when she runs into the mysterious and enigmatic Cian Sampson, a boy who seems to know everything there is to know about her. With the help of Cian—and just a little bit of the impossible—Allyra King transforms into Lyra, just Lyra, and sets about trying to right her wrongs.

d i s c l a i m e r

– swearing
– teen angst
– mention of self-harm and suicidal ideation
– (not so) deeply philosophical contemplations
– a thoroughly unrealistic plot

Inversion [Camp NaNoWriMo July 2021]Where stories live. Discover now