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Chlogey hated the troll baby, but she loved her Mini Chlogey. But it was obvious that she had a favorite child, and that made goblin mad. He liked the troll baby more. One day, Chlogey wanted to leave her goblin and troll baby. But she just couldn't leave them. She went into a state of extreme depression. Her life is horrible. She married and ugly goblin and gave birth to a stinky troll baby. The only positive thing in her life was mini Chlogey. She had almost resorted to suicide. She had the knife against her throat. But she didn't do it. Her mini Chlogey needed her. So she continued on. But one day she decided a plan to escape her goblin. But her found her plans and didn't say anything.

CHLOGEY AND HER TROLL BABYWhere stories live. Discover now