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Three days had passed since Scott had found out. I still cut, but never to that magnitude. I could only imagine all of the training He was ignoring, letting me do this. He didn't question me about the cutting, but he did about another topic I didn't want to talk about just a much.

"What do you mean by 'the voice'?" He kept asking. Finally, I told him. We were sitting in my room, or, I was in the edge of my bed, while he had pulled up a chair to sit across from me.

"I've had this voice in my head since my first night with Drake. At first, it was every once and a while that I would hear it. But over the years, especially since I was at the Wilford's, it had become more and more frequent. Constantly calling me names like Slut and Whore and Bitch, and talking about how I liked being raped, even if I deny it. More recently, how it is my fault Tuesday died. And it's right. I am worthless, and it is my fault Tuesday isn't here. my fault he died because I couldn't save Wednesday. If I had saved her, she would have been able to save him. But because I couldn't, she died, and I couldn't save Tuesday. The voice is right." I broke even more.

Damn straight. Took you long enough, you fucking whore. Slutty Bitch. I can't believe Scott would even want to be the the same room with you, let along touch your disgusting hide. But, remember this. When everyone else runs because of how fucking disgusting, when you are all alone, I will always be here. Here to remind you of everything you have ever done. Why not? It's not like you are worthy of love. Not any more. You might have been once, before you became ugly. I mean, look at your scars. Ugly every single one of-

"Mitchie?" Scott whispered, his soft voice blocking out the voice, silencing it to my ears. "Are you okay? You kind of just trailed off and have been staring into space. And crying." One of his large hands rested on my cheek as he wiped away a tear. Instinctively, when I felt the pads touch, I flinched, then allowed the hand to rest against my face.

"It's okay." I said. "You don't have to stay. I know how disgusting I am. I wouldn't want to touch me either, so you don't have to be here. Please don't feel obligated. I'm not worth it." I looked away from him, moving my head away from his touch.

The next time he spoke, his quiet words were hard. "Mitch. You are not disgusting. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. And it is not your fault that either of them died. I saw the stab wound on Wednesday. No one could have saved her. Especially not a couple of scared children who were probably in massive amounts of pain. Tuesday wasn't your fault either. I don't think anyone could have helped him, no matter how hard they tried. People who are in that state of mind are usually sick. There were probably things in his own head that pushed him to that. And though it is hard, he is somewhere better. Somewhere where he is perfect and happy, with his sister." He paused for a moment, his hands to himself. "That voice can call you anything it wants, but it is not true. You are sweet and kind, meek, humble. You are worth it, and more. Look at me, Mitch. I am not lying to you." I peeked at his blue eyes. In them I could see the truth, but the voice jumped in.

For all you know, he could be a good liar. Bet you that's what it is. Why the hell would he find you as any of those things? Because those are lies. Every single word.

"Mitch, don't listen to it." Scott spoke again. But how could I not? It filled the spaces between words, filled the silence at night when I laid there, alone.

"Can I hug you?" My head snapped to him. No one had asked to touch me in years. No. They had always just done it. Shocked, I nodded slowly, still confused. He had asked. Why? He didn't need to. I mean, I was simply there for others. If he wanted to hug me, I was in to position to stop him. I still couldn't tell people no. Even after the police had asked me if I was raped. The thing was, was that for the first two months, it was rape, then I stopped saying no. Saying no ended worse than saying yes, or nothing at all and letting them have their way with you. I couldn't even tell my own mother I had had nightmares because of it. I suffered them on my own. It was my own personal hell.

"Yes." I whispered, but he still say in that chair, looking to me.

"If you really don't want me to touch you, tell me, or tap your leg twice." He stopped and watched my hands, which stayed still in my lap. He had given me a way to say no without me having to struggle to say the word.

He then stood and sat down beside me on the bed, pulling me on to his lap and holding me close, rocking side to side. Then he began to sing.

"Close your eyes, lay your head down
Now it's time to sleep
May you find great adventure
As you lie and dream
If you're scared of the darkness
I will calm your fear
There's a light in the hallway
So you know I'm here

So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
Goodnight, goodnight."

I looked up him as his deep voice rumbled in his chest. "I love your voice. Where did you hear that song?" I asked, yawning. Tiredness fuzzed my boundaries, yet Scott seemed perfectly to answer.

"It's something I wrote. It's bassed off of a song my mother used to sing." He said and kept rocking me. "I promised you that I would save you, Mitch. I know you have already told me you don't remember, but I still haven't fulfilled it. I saved you from others, but now I have to save you from the most dangerous and destructive enemy out there. Yourself." I relaxed in his arms as he spoke and let myself fall asleep, his words sounding off, holding no meaning to me as my mind finally began to still.

Just as I slipped off, I felt a pair of lips press against my forehead and the breath as he whispered one last thing. "Don't worry, Mitch. You're an overcomer. You'll beat the voice. I'll help you."

Getting back into the swing of multiple chapters a day. :)

Scömìche fluff! More to come! And also even worse from the voice.

Oh, and stay sexy

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