Part One :: That's me!

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I heard the vintage alarm clock ring back in the room.

Why has Sam even kept it there?

Sam, or Samantha, is my twin sister and best friend. Physical appearance is all that we have in common. Nothing more.

The number of men she has gone out with roughly equals the number of books I've read. While I spend my time underlining important points in my books, she spends her time lining her eyes. She's funny and outgoing. My attempts at humor are rather sad and I am what people who go for personality development classes do not want to be - a social awkward.

But we love each other to death. She abides by my rules. I abide by hers.

.. which is why I let her do all the shopping. Like, all of it.

Both our parents are lawyers. They own one of the biggest law firms of the country - which explains the excessive money as well as their prolonged absence from our home.

Me and Sam have been each other's support since childhood. We've shared a bond no one understands. We rarely fight. We share everything (not that I feel like using much of her stuff, anyway) - from clothes to secrets. I am the person she comes running to for everything from a broken nail to a broken heart. She is the one I go to when I get tired of studying.

She's a good shopper. Shopping is what her talent is. I always love whatever she buys.

Since we look exactly the same - 5 feet 7 inches, dark complexion, brown and wavy medium-length hair - she makes me try innumerable clothes. I have never understood why she does that, since she ends up buying all of it, anyway. Most of the stuff remains unused for years and then ends up going to the servants or to the orphanages we visit every month.

It was on one of the shopping sprees in Hong Kong that my sister laid her eyes on a gorgeous vintage alarm clock. It was beautiful, yes. But it's alarm was freak-ish. It made ghostly sounds and there was no way to shut it up once the alarm went off. We had discovered a way of our own, though.

Every time the alarm went off, I'd keep 3 or 4 of my insanely thick mathematics books on it and the sound would gradually die down. The problem right now was, I was in the bathroom and Sam was sleeping. She hated to be disturbed in her sleep and the alarm clock was doing just that.

"SHANNON!" I heard Sam scream and sighed knowingly. I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into our room.

It had been designed by Sam. Another thing she was very good at.

Sunlight streamed in through the white curtains. The white and pink carpet tickled the soles of my feet as I stood there, smiling at my twin who was frowning at me through the folds of her favorite blanket.

"Shan, couldn't you shut the fucking clock up before going? I had to drag my ass all the way to your fucking bookshelf which, by the way, is annoyingly over-organized. You know how tired I am don't you?"

I nodded. "Morning to you, too, lovely sister"

She groaned "Please do not annoy me so early in the morning. Good night!"

"No no no! Come on, now, drag your pretty ass out of that bed right now or we'll be late for school. Again"

My sister, predictably enough, went for parties every weekend and came back late and predictably enough, we got late for school every monday.

"I'm not going"

"You have to. We have a test"

she groaned again. "Exactly why I don't want to go. I don't know a thing anyway"

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