I had a fun-filled day, thanks to Rohan. It had surprised me because I was an introvert and hated talking to anyone for long except Sam. But with Rohan, it had been different. It hadh been as if he knew something about everything. Whatever topic I spoke on, he had his views and opinions to share. It was intellectually refreshing to talk to him.
When I came back home, I found Sam sitting in our room in a super-pissed state.
"Sup?" I asked.
"Fuck off" she replied dryly.
For anyone else, it would have been a cue to either curse back or leave the room, but for me, this was my cue to sit next to Sam and ask her what was wrong.
"What's wrong, Samantha?" I asked, faking concern.
"You do not have to pretend to be concerned okay? You can never lie to me, Shan, you know that"
"Oops!" I raised my hands and hugged her. "I'm sorry, love. I'm curious, honestly. What has gotten you pissed?"
"You! What else?"
"Me?" Okay, this was surprising.
"Yes! I mean, that guy Rohan.. he had you so occupied all the time. I never found the time to talk to you. And I had no one else to be with. I was left alone" she pouted.
Samantha was used to having things her way and she threw a fit whenever things did not happen the way she wanted to. Some people found it annoying but I thought it was cute, really. Because she acted like this only with the people she genuinely loved. With others, she was just a brat.
"Sam Jones saying she had no one to be with? Now that's a first! What happened to your sidekicks - the wannabes with pea-sized brains?"
"You know I don't like to be with them. AND the idiot fashion designing teacher doesn't know a thing about fashion, I swear. I mean, you wouldn't believe it. She said.." and Sam started her fashion-ramblings. To be honest, I cannot tell the difference between kitten heels and the other numerous kinds of heels, I do not know what crocs are and it was only two months back that I was made aware of the existence of something known as 'blackheads'. But I knew I had to listen to Sam, nodding and 'Hmm'ing occassionally for the simple reason that Sam was stubborn. Obstinacy came as second nature to her.
Fortunately, the phone rang and I went to take it.
"Mom" I said wondering how mom could tell my voice from Sam's.
"Are you two ready yet?"
I groaned. I'd forgotten about the party. "No mom. Not yet. You know how Sam is, right? She takes super-long to dress up"
"Hurry up, please. I'll send Mahesh uncle to pick you up"
"What about the drivers?"
"They're all busy with the other guests. I'm sorry, Shannon. If you have a problem with Mahesh, I'll.."
"No. No mum, not at all. In fact, it would be nice to meet Mahesh uncle after so long. We'll be there on time, don't worry. Bye!"
I put the receiver down and found Sam standing in front of me. "Who is Mahesh?" she questioned.
"Mahesh uncle" I emphasized "is a clerk in the firm, Sam. Have you forgotten him? He used to come home often when we were younger and he bought books for me and clothes for you. And we used to play with him. And he told us stories. And.."
"Okay okay okay. I remember now. How could I forget those clothes. God, they were such a disgrace! And I remember laughing at his clothes. He wore the same shirt so many times. The stories used to be pretty funny though"

Anything for you
ChickLitHi, I'm Shannon. Shannon Jones. 17 year old high school student from Mumbai, India. Yes, I go to a school famous for the arrogant students, the drugs and the parties. Yes, I have a twin sister who is a party freak. Yes, my parents are what you call...