Part 2

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"The...the dog." You pulled yourself out of Yoongi's grasp. He looked at you in confusion. "I think Jimin's dog ran off." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why do you care about the dog? We should be telling your parents about what happened with Jimin." Your friend countered. You sighed.

"Fine. We don't have to go find the dog, but you can't tell my parents about this either." You sat back down on the couch. Yoongi opened his mouth as if to say something, but shut it again. After a bit he finally agreed, causing a wide smile to spread across your face. You hugged him again.

He chuckled, ruffling your hair as he stood up. "I have to go now. Rest up."

Yoongi made his way to the door leading to the pet shop. "Oh," he said over his shoulder, "...stay away from Jimin, whether his dog has gone missing or not." He didn't give you time to reply, just closed the door behind him.

You grunted as you got up, heading to the kitchen to heat up a frozen dinner
A loud buzzer filled your dreams and you groaned, lazily throwing your arm over to hit 'snooze'.

"Honey, you have to get up on time today. I can't drive you, I have a meeting." Your mom called from the kitchen. Normally she would drive you to school, caused by your waking up late, and let you walk home.

You grunted, pulling yourself up into a sitting position. You ran a hand through your hair before swinging your legs off the side of your bed. You stood up, dragging your feet to the kitchen.

As you emerged from your room your mom gave you an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I couldn't make you breakfast today. There's cereal in the cupboard!" Your mom called before blowing a kiss goodbye and closing the door behind her.

You made your way to the place where the cereal usually resided and let out a fake sob, seeing that the only cereal in there was fruit loops. Your mom new you only liked Cheerios! She must have slipped up.
You swung your backpack up and over your shoulder, nearly tripping over your own feet as you heard the last bell ring and scrambled out of the room.

You immediately turned down the hallway which would eventually lead outside. You started down the hall, seeing Yoongi come at you from the opposite direction. He walked you home everyday after school and occasionally you would even stop at the coffee shop to grab a drink.

You smiled and waved at him, earning a grin back. You started to walk faster, only to have a strong hand wrap around your wrist and yank you back. Yoongi's face settled on the person holding you and his face immediately went stone cold. Your friend was quickly lost in the crowd of students as the person dragged you away from him.

You snapped your head around only to see a familiar face turn back to look at you. Your half open mouth fell open even more, causing Jimin to grin at you. You had no time to react as Jimin pulled you into a secluded alcove.

You snapped your hand out of his grasp, only to earn a frown from him "What do you want?" You glared daggers at him.

"You sure don't beat around the bush, do you?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, snickering. You just stared back at him, waiting for him to get to the point. "I...I need you to help me find my dog," he admitted, averting his gaze from yours to stare at the floor.

Your gaze softened. Even though he had quite literally attacked you outside his house on Friday, you still felt obligated to help him. You were the one that caused his dog to run, so why not do a favor and get it back for him?

"Sure, Jimin." You smiled at him. He tilted his head up, eyes wide at your answer. You grinned even wider, nodding at him.

"You know, I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to and if you would just-" he started, only to quickly be cut off by you starting to walk away.

"It's fine. Just don't do it again or you won't have your dog back." You called back to him, already heading to find Yoongi. He smiled at your retreating form and straightened his shoulders, shoving his hands into his pockets and walking away with a satisfied smirk.

"Yoongi!" You shoved through the front doors and called breathlessly for your friend who was leaning against the brick wall of the school.

He kicked off of the wall and locked eyes with you, face stone cold and feet not moving an inch. You stopped, opening your mouth to explain.

He waved you off, starting towards the gates. You jogged off after him. His long legs quickly out-walked yours and by the time you got to the shop you were breathless.

Yoongi only nodded at you and lightly waved before muttering a goodbye and heading off. You stared sadly after his back. Why did he have to be like this? It wasn't your fault Jimin had so rudely pulled you away.

Once inside the shop you quickly greeted the cats who roamed freely around the store and trudged up the stairs to your family's apartment. You slung off your backpack and slumped down on the couch, picking up the remote for your TV.

The new episode had only just begun and you hungrily eyed the characters' every move on screen. Homework was quickly put off. You had just gotten sucked into a particularly nasty fight scene when a sharp ringing pierced your ears. You groaned as you eyed the landline on the kitchen table. Why now?

Keeping your gaze on the TV the whole time you briskly made your way across the room, hoping the caller would have something short to say. Maybe something along the lines of: "Is my order in yet? The dog food is starting to run low."

"Hello?" You answered, turning the TV down so you could hear the other person's voice. There was silence, and you quickly got annoyed. You were about to hang up when a rough voice spoke.

"Hey. You said you would help me find my dog." Jimin said. You gaped. Right now? The episode was just getting good.

"Well where are you?" You asked, ready to turn him down if he was farther than a five minute walk.

"Standing in front of the pet shop. Now come down and help my sorry ass. It looks like it's going to rain." Jimin whined.

You sighed. "Be down in a sec." After hanging up you looked sadly at the TV right before turning it off. You slipped a hoodie on and your favorite pair of shoes, quickly scribbling a note to your parents that you would be out.

Once down the stairs you brought your gaze up, only to be met with a smiling Jimin gazing back at you.

The Pet Shop (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now