Part 3

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You shoved open the door, making sure it locked behind you. Jimin said nothing until you turned around to look at him expectedly.

"I don't want to get rained on either, so let's go!" You turned on your heel, walking away from Jimin. You could hear him jogging to catch up to you.

" sure walk fast for being so short." He feigned being tired, putting his hand on your shoulder to stop you from walking any farther, and putting the other on his knee.

"Aish, I'm not that short!" You yelled at him, hitting his hand off your shoulder. He brought his face up and looked at you with a pout on his face. After seeing you weren't amused he smiled. He had the cutest eye smile! You were pretty sure you had never seen it before.

Jimin hit you lightly in the arm, standing up to his full height. You had to tilt your head up to see him now.

"Come on." Jimin slung his arm over your shoulder, shoving his other hand in his pocket. You looked confusedly at him for doing such affectionate things when you barely knew each other. However, you didn't say anything. You found yourself almost liking it, feeling safer with his tall, intimidating figure beside you.

He smirked when you said nothing. Once you had gotten to his house you started to slow down. Jimin let his arm fall off your shoulder. You pouted and he laughed. His laugh was beautiful too! He grabbed your hand, pulling you in the opposite direction the dog had gone.

"Weren't we going to search for your dog?" You asked warily, squinting your eyes at him.

He laughed again. "Well yes, but I found him the same day he got lost. I wanted to take you down to my favorite place!" There was silence as you processed his lie. Jimin continued walking, looking up at the ominous rain clouds. "Kind of like a date, isn't it?"

He turned his gaze from the sky to you, and it felt like he could see right through you. You nodded a bit, your face starting to heat up. He pinched your cheek with his free hand, making you giggle. Where was the scary Jimin everyone at school knew? Was this a side of him that no one had ever seen before? What did that exactly mean if it was true?

"This is my favorite place! It's so peaceful and I love it." Jimin closed his eyes, breathing in deeply.

"Cheonggyecheon River?" It was definitely a beautiful place. You had only visited once, when you were little, and it was even more beautiful than you remembered it. Jimin dragged you to a bench near the riverside. You plopped down next to him, swinging your feet and enjoying the noise of the rushing water and the kids playing downstream.
Jimin had talked with you for hours about things ranging from your family's pet shop, to Korea's government. Before you knew it, the stars were out and the chill of night had sunken into your bones.

You shivered, looking out at the elderly couples and children laughing as they played in the shallows. You had never seen Cheonggyecheon River at night. It was so beautiful! Including the backdrop of the city lights of Seoul, it was a very pleasing view.

Jimin saw you shiver and threw his arm over your shoulder again, gently pulling you against his side so you could use his body warmth. You blushed and Jimin sat in silence.

You looked up, only to find him already looking at you. He smiled sweetly, turning his gaze to the sky for the second time that day. Tonight was one of the rare times where you actually see the stars. It wasn't very often, what with the light pollution.

You looked back at the river, closing your eyes. It was late, but you didn't even think about your parents reactions to you coming home this late at night before you were fast asleep.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Jimin stated, sighing as he looked down at you fast asleep. Another time.
You woke up in the morning already in your bed. Had you imagined all of last night? No way, you thought to yourself.

You pulled on your uniform and brushed your hair before heading to the kitchen. Your father sat at the table, reading the newspaper.

"That boy you know is very nice." Your father said out of the blue. You scrunched your eyebrows, looking at him warily. Your dad laughed. "You were fast asleep. Jimin, I think was his name, brought you home in his arms. Are you two dating yet?"

You gaped and shook your head. Your father nodded, looking back down at his paper. Jimin had brought you home? That was so nice, but definitely not like him. Or at least not the him everyone else knew.

You ate breakfast quickly, heading out the door as soon as possible. You couldn't afford to be late to school today. You had a huge math test.

Your dad waved you goodbye and you set off down the street. Once at the school gates you checked your watch, jumping when a shadow fell over you.

Yoongi stood in front of you, not grinning. Although that was usual. Your friend wasn't one for grins. You greeted him happily. After waving goodbye you set off for class. Fortunately you were still on time, just how you liked it on the day of a test.

You slammed your locker just as the hallways were starting to empty. You strode down the hallway, passing a different hallway leading to an eventual exit. A hand shot out of mentioned hallway, and pulled you into the shadows. Another hand slapped over your mouth right before a yell came out, muffling it.

The person spun you around, finally letting their hand fall once they knew you recognized them.

"Jimin?" You asked, but he didn't reply. Just as you were about to open your mouth to ask what he was doing, his lips met yours. You widened your eyes.

He broke away, still holding your chin. You stared into each other's eyes for a second.

"I love you (Y/N)." He repeated the same statement you had missed last night.

At that moment the bell rang and you shrieked. He laughed pushing you back out into the hallway and towards your class.

He jogged away towards where you assumed his own class was, twisting his neck to look back at you. He gave you a wide smile and threw a peace sign up.

"I love you too." You muttered after he had turned the corner.

You suddenly remembered that you were now late to class and sprinted the opposite direction, praying that you wouldn't get in too much trouble.

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