That Should Wake You Up

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Still Hiccup's POV

It's the middle of the night right now. I couldn't fall asleep, still thinking about the tribe I helped today. I decided to take Toothless out for a ride, he loves the midnight flights, I mean, after all he's a Night Fury. We end up flying in the direction of the tribe. I decide, "Why not? What can it hurt?" I remember my shoulder, but shake it off. I see the fire light through the fog and night. Another dragon attack? That's strange, usually they attack once a week, maybe twice, but never two days in a row, nonetheless in 24 hours. I get closer only to realize it's not dragon fire, but a humongous bonfire. It looks as if some type of ritual or... sacrifice.

"Come on, Bud. Let's get a little closer to figure out what's happening." I whisper, even though we're much too far away for anyone to hear us. We fly in the fog to the other side of the island. There's a forest which we walk through, till were at the edge. We get a better view from the fire. Now I can clearly see it's a sacrifice ritual. The disturbing thing is, they've sacrificed a dragon. I can hear what the leader is saying, it's some sort of chant.

"Drage av gamle, ta den nye abmiation, og ser på folk med takknemlighet og gi oss formue i kampen mot våre fiender og fiender. Vi kjemper i ditt sted, deshlovekf. (A/N This is Norwegian for Dragon of old , take the new abmiation and looking at your people with gratitude and give us wealth and favor in the fight against our enemies. We fight in your place. Deshlovekf is just their way of saying 'amen.' Also, I used Google translate, so I don't know how accurate it is.) I don't know what it is they're saying, but I can tell it's not Norse like we speak on Berk. I make a mental note to go through some of 'Legs' books, see if I can find anything. I hear rustling leaves coming from my left. I motion for Toothless to back up. I cover my face with my arm so I'm not identified, even though they might not know Berk, it's better to stay on the safe side. I walk silently, following Toothless. I hear the footfalls quicken, realizing what was happening, I yell for Toothless to run, giving away our location. I catch up with him and jump on him, as we run towards the beach. Once we're in the clear, I open Toothless' tail and we're flying. This time, knowing they have arrows and bolas, we climb as fast as possible to get out of range.

Back at the Edge, Toothless and I sneak back in ad climb into bed. I don't know how long we were out, but the sun starts to rise later. I just turn over and go back to sleep for another five hours.

Once I get up and make it to the clubhouse for breakfast, everyone's staring at me.

"What's up, guys?" I ask cautiously. Immediately, Tuffnut gets up, comes over, and points a finger in my face.

"Who are you and what have you done with Hiccup?" He practically yells at my confused face. "He's always up first, and you just woke up around lunch time. Once again, who are you!?"

"Tuff, calm down." Astrid walks over, "Where'd you go last night? You never sleep in, and don't say you were tired, you were the first one back to your hut last night."

"Guys, calm down. Me and Toothless went on a late night flight, and got back pretty early, so I slept a little longer." I yawn, finishing my statement. Suddenly, I feel coolness wash over my body as Snotlout walks by, holding a now empty cup.

"That should wake you up!" He says as he walks back to his hut. I grimace, also turning around to go get changed. Once I'm back in my hut, I unwrap my shoulder and get a look at it. It's still red, but I ignore it. I rewrap it and put on a new, clean shirt. I remember the strange dialect I heard last night, so I went over to Fishlegs' hut. He wasn't there, so I just walked in quietly and found some books that were written in the same tongue. At least it looked the same as what it sounded. I grabbed the same book in Norse, and left. As I was closing the door, I hear Fishlegs coming up behind me. I hide the book in the other language, then turn around to greet Fishlegs.

"Hey, Fishlegs? What's up?" I ask cheerily.

"Nothing much, just feeding Meatlug some rocks. What were you doing in my hut?"

"Nothing really, I was just looking for a good read. I found this one," I reply, showing him the book I took. "Mind if I borrow it?"

"No, just make sure to give it back."

"Thanks 'Legs," I walk back to my hut and start deciphering. I figure it's a language from the East, or at least East of Berk. I look at some of the maps, and determine it's either a language from a land called Norway, or maybe somewhere called Sweden, but it's much more likely that it's Norwegian. I open a new notebook and start writing different words. Once I have a decent list of Norwegian words, I begin searching for their Norse equal. I work until late into the night, but not wanting this morning to repeat itself, I go to sleep just before the moon reaches its highest point.

Next morning, I get up at the crack of dawn, like I normally do (A/N Do y'all think of Hiccup more as a morning person or a night owl?) Toothless and I head down to the clubhouse, where I give him some bass for breakfast and roast me some as well. I'm still eating as Astrid walks in, back from a morning flight and training session with Stormfly.

"Hey, Astrid! How'd you sleep last night?" I ask, trying to stir up conversation.

"Pretty good. Thanks for asking. What about you? I see you're up bright and early again this morning, like usual."

"Yeah, I didn't want to face the 'Tuffnut the Tenacious again."

"Ugh, big words before lunch, no thank you." We hear as the rest of the gang walk in. Tuffnut was the speaker, holding his hand up as to block the words. They all trudge over to the pile of fish, getting some for their dragons and some for themselves. We hear a squawk at the door, and Astrid and I turn out heads, being the only ones to hear it. It's a Terrible Terror with a letter from Berk. I go over to get the message and read it.

"Hey guys, I just got a letter from my dad. Tomorrow we all head back to Berk, we have a tribe visiting. We'll give a presentation about our dragons, then there'll be a feast and we'll also be having a few dragon races for entertainment. We'll be staying for a week, so pack whatever you'll need for that long, ok? Also, later this afternoon, we can do something if y'all want. A race or something?

"For you and Toothless to win again, no thanks," Snotlout said while feeding Hookfang.

"What if I don't race? I can be referee." I suggest.

"Okay, sounds fun." Astrid says.

"Okay, we'll meet here after lunch and go, got it?" I ask in confirmation. I get a few nodded heads in return. As I walk back out the door I grab a cup of cool water.

"Ahhh!" I hear as Snotlout yell as the wetness drenches him.

"That should wake you up," I respond smirking while walking out of the clubhouse, back to my hut.



So what do y'all think so far?

Basically, this is what the dragon worshiping tribe's religion/doctrine is:

They worship the "Dragon of Old" which is just a really old dragon that may or may not still be living, idk(yet).  They view the current dragons as "new abominations," so they kill them and sacrifice them to the Dragon of Old. This poses a problem for the riders cause who wants your friend sacrificed to an ancient fire breathing reptile?

Pretty please with a cherry on top COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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