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  89 Chapter 22: Epilogue
Hello guys! English, it is not my motherly language, I'm French so I apologize if there are some mistakes. Don't hesitate to tell me where they are so that I can improve.

This is my first full length fiction, with chapters, I hope it will please you. It is a AU where Katherine Howard does not marry Henry and where Cromwell is spared. Instead of Katherine, Henry marries a French noble lady, on the advice of Cromwell.

And so it ends. It has been almost two years since I started this story, out of boredom. I want to thank everyone who left a comment. It is you who made me finish this, I am not known for finishing stories built with chapters. And yet, here we stand, at the epilogue of The French Bride. This story is far from perfect but I enjoyed writing it and it has made me improve a lot. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


The French Bride


Summer cannot last. Winter always comes. No matter how long summer can be. To everything, there is a season. A time to be born and a time to die. That is the right order of Life. No matter how hard or unfair it can seem to us.

Charles Brandon was the first one to die, the 24th of August 1545, after a short illness. He left and made Mary become a widow, alone with their baby son Eustace and his little sister Catherine, born on the 16th of December 1544. She was heartbroken. Chapuys remained by her side, trying to ease as he could the pain of the loss and the fear of having to raise two babies who were fatherless. The duke's death cast a gloomy atmosphere at court. The king mourned him deeply and realized that he could be the next one.

' We have to talk, my lord Hertford, about the arrangements that have to be made, for the prince's minority, after I am dead. '

Henry VIII died on the 28th of January 1547, after a month of illness and agony. His queen remained by his side as long as she could but he sent her away to be with Elizabeth and Edward a week before he passed away. He did not want her to see his soul leaving his body. Edward Seymour, after the king's death, went to tell Marina Tudor the sad new. She became very pale and seemed about to faint. She signed herself, gathered her courage and walked to her stepson's chambers.

' Mother? What is it? ' He asked

She walked to him and bowed to him.

' The king is dead. Long live the king. ' She said, her eyes full of sadness

The boy and his sister Elizabeth burst into tears in Marina's arms.

' I want you to stay with me, please do not let me alone, I'm so scared of what awaits me. ' Edward begged

' I am at Your Majesty's command. ' The widow replied

' I am your son, not your master. ' The new king said

Henry's wish to be buried next to Jane Seymour was respected. After the burial, the dead king's will was read in front of the whole court.

I, Henry VIII, king of England, Ireland and France, Defender of the Faith and Supreme Head of the Church of England, want this to happen after my death:

My son Edward will become King. Should he die childless, the Act of Succession must be respected.

My children are free to marry who they want. I want them to know what I have known with the love of my life.

My wife, Queen Marina, is free to remarry who she desires. I want her to be happy.

My wife is to be treated and respected as if I was living still.

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