My Army Man

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Dani is a 16 years old teenager that has been through more than a little girl should go though at her age.

When she was 13 she was raped by a teenager from her school, he told her never to tell anyone. He kept coming back, she got the courage to tell someone- she told her parents.

The boy found out and when he came for Dani he killed her parents, her brother came to help his parents but was killed also.

Her neighbors heard commotion and called the police. By the time the police came the boy had finished with her brother.

The police took the boy away and she got put into foster care with all kinds of kids.
Brayden is a 20 year old man that works in that Marines.

He's a very lonely person. He doesn't date because he is know as the demon king. He doesn't talk to any of his family- he just doesn't want to deal with their drama.

The only person he talks to is his best friend Chevy.

Chevy convenes Brandon to go look around the foster home to look for a little boy to keep him company even though Brayden hate kids.

What happens when small frightened Dani meets big scary Brayden and nice Chevy.

My Navy ManHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin