Chapter 10-

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Brandon's POV

Once we found a parking spot Travis got out and got Bryce out of his car seat and started walking to the entrance door not even looking back at me.

I opened the back door, the puppy jumped out and started running around.

"Shit! Stupid dog get over here now! ugh." I tried catching him but he was to fast.

"Cuda come here boy!" Tristen yelled and the stupid thing just pranced over to him and walked right into the building.

I glared at the back of Tristan's head and followed them into the hospital.

Tristan went up to the front desk and got Danis room number. Honesty I was scared to see her. I could not believe after the first time that it has happened it happened again.

We get to the elevator and all pile into it in an awkward silence.

When we got to her floor we go lost trying to find her room so we had to get a nurse to take us there.

Tristan, Bryce, and the puppy all bursted in at the same time.

"She's awake I just don't think she can open her eyes" I heard Chevy say.

I then hear Cudas paws clicking against the floor and Tristan's boots.

I decided to sit in one of the chairs outside her room. Chevy soon walks out and shuts the door sitting beside me.

I lean forward resting my head in my hands.

"Dude, I can't believe I did that to her"

Tristan's POV

I quietly sit next to Danis bed. She looks small and fragile. "Dani it's me Tristan. I have Bryce and Cuda" I say gently not to scare her.

Her fingers twitch a little. I put her hand in mine and softly rub it. "Tris" she whispers.

"Yes sweetie?"
"I need water" she tells me. I lay Bryce on the couch in her room and grab the small cup of water on her side table.

I gently put it to her lips and she opens her mouth and I slowly pour little drops of water into her dry mouth.

Once she was done I put the cup back on the table and sat back down holding her hand leaving Bryce asleep on the couch. I hope he doesn't roll off...

"Can you open your eyes" I ask. She moves around a little and her eyes ever so slowly begin to open. Once they became fully open she closes them as the light all shows through.

I get up quickly and close the curtain in the room. "Okay, now try" she tries again and blinks several times getting use to the light even though it wasn't that bright and it still being the middle of the night.

She looks around. First at me then at Bryce then at the door. "What are you looking for?" I ask.

"Just looking" she said quietly. "Chevy and Brandon are outside sitting in the chairs- oh and Cuda down there" I say pointing under the couch legs.

She looks over and smiles at Cuda and then smiles a baby Bryce sleeping.

"Can I hold him?" she asks. I get up and pick up Bryce and gently lays him in Danis arms.

He stirs a little and snuggles into Danis chest. Cuda jumps up on the bed and snuggles up against Danis leg.

I smile and take my phone out snapping a picture of all them. "My cute little love bunch" I laugh. Dani giggles looking at me.

I can see in her eyes that she's very tired. "Get some sleep and ill be right here when you wake up" she smiles a little and snuggles into the blanket hugging Bryce to her side and letting Cuda sleep curled in the middle of them.

They all just looked so cute. Then in a matter of seconds they were all fast asleep. I've never seen Dani fall asleep so fast in the years over known her.
After a couple of minutes Chevy and Brandon walked in. "How's she doing?" Chevy asked.

"Tired. But good. She opened her eyes. Then wanted to hold Bryce then Cuda joined. I could see how tired she was so I told her to go to sleep and now their all here fast asleep looking adorable."

Brandon nods a little and takes a seat on the couch, he just looks at her.

I glare at him knowing this is his fault till Chevy places his hand on my shoulder and shaking his head a little at me. I drop the glare and me and Chevy start a conversation.

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