A/N Not a chapter

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Sound: Sorry not a chapter. I am also sorry for not updating in a while, its just that right now I have a lot on my mind.

Today, my big sister is graduating Middle School and will start High School soon. Today is the Graduation ceremony. Now I live in Saudi Arabia and the school I go to only provides Lower Elementary School (K3-Kindergarten), Elementary School (1-5), till Middle School (6-9). Since my school doesnt have High School, my big sister is going to King's in Jordan. She was an amazing student. Now I started 6th grade and about to move on to 7th grade and people have already asked me questions such as,

-"How would you feel when Nabila is gone?" On the very outside I am just like,

-"Fine, I guess..." But in the inside I never realised I was dying.

I will really miss here and all she did. She always LOVED cats and her nose was ALWAYS in a good book. She quite cared how she and other people looked/dressed around her. One part of her is dead serious while the other one is just really kind. She was neat and a social butterfly and I heck of a fashionista. She will do great, and we will all miss her.


Sen: While Sound is not here, we should share 3 of her sister's great moments.

#1 (Sleeping in Physics)- One day in the middle of Physics class, SS (Sound's Sister) was asleep on the desk, and one student was like,

-"Should we wake her up?" But the Physics teacher replied,

-"No, we can make this work." And they planned to make SS think that class was over. After planning, the Physics teacher said,

-"Okay everyone! For homework watch this video and have a nice day!" And then SS's head shot up like a Jack in The Box and she grabbed her binder and started walking out the door, and everyone was just laughing their heads off.

#2 (Twin Day)- One time they had twin day. SS and a friend of her were dressed up alike to be twins. They both had their black hair go down and they both wore purple. Now the would have looked totally normal if it wasnt for the HUGE hight diffrence, it sorta looked hillariouse. Like SS reached until her friends elbows (if I am not mistaking.), just imagine how short Sound and SS are!

Sound: We get that from our parents :3

Sen: You're back!

Sound: Yep! And I want to tell the third one!

Sen: Fine.

#3 (Shopping with Mom)- A few weeks back, my mom took out SS to buy a graduation dress, but my little sister (Codename: Potato) and I had to come to buy a dress for the graduation dinner and party. Now it would all have been fun if my mom didnt have to say things like,

-"Thats for Partying!" Or "Thats too expensive" or "Its too shiny" or "Its Casual!" And on and on and on.

By the way, my dress is blue with purple butterflies and I also got a white cardigan, and a flower band. (might show a pic later...)

Well these memories are here to stay. We all wish SS a great time in Jordan.

-Sound and Sen

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