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"Really Terry, you want me to be the mother of THIS MONSTER!"

"She is not a monster Amanda, she's just. Different."

" Ya, different. That is EXACTLY why daycare called."

"Really, and why did they call?"

"She can't read, or write, or speak. She bit one of the kids! Terry she's 2. She should know not to bite people and how to say momma, dada, and, and......."


"Jason........"she began to cry at the thought of her dead son.

"If I remember correctly. We had this same talk about Jason, did we not. And he ended up being one of the smartest students at Brook Hill. She will do fine. Trust me."

" I know but why is she biting the other children."

" Well I went to school with her one day, and the kids were calling her Crayola. But they said it in such a way that it showed that they were teasing her. Even when she began to cry, They kept going. And the teachers, They did nothing." That was the last thing your parents said before the shooting. When you heard the first cap being fired, you ran to the closet and closed yourself in, and began to cry. You felt someone pick you up.

" Well, well, well. Is this the little monster they were talking about? You don't scary." Out of habit, you bite his hand and run but you only got so far. " No, no, no you are not supposed to run." He picks you up again and you start to cry. You try yelling mommy and daddy but the sound won't come out, all that came were screeches. " Now, Now, do you want a toy?" You nod your head and he gives you a little bear.

"AER!" He laughs at your attempt to say 'bear' and with that, you fall asleep in his arms.

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