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The Trials

January 18, 2011. Tuesday. Xander and Liv were on their penthouse. They just finished having breakfast when Xander received an anonymous call.

It was from Liv's aunt. Tita Des said right away, "This is Tita Des, Xander. Please pretend you're talking to someone else. I don't want Liv to worry about me. I just called to inform you that my husband might bother you and Liv. Please protect Liv from my husband, Xander. I already left him. My kids and I are now at the Blanco Haven here at Keyna."

Xander replied, "Are your needs being properly attended there?"

Tita Des replied, "Yes. They are very helpful so you have nothing to worry about us."

Xander said, "We'll go there."

Tita Des declined, "I don't want Liv to see me in my current condition, Xander. She's pregnant. I don't want her to worry much."

Xander insisted, "Expect us. We're family. We'll be there. Bye for now, Tita."

Liv asked him, "Who was that? You seemed worried, babe."

Xander talked calmly to his wife, "First, I want you to calm down in everything that I'm about to say."

Liv was a little confused but she agreed, "Okay."

Xander narrated, "The one who called is your aunt. Tita Des and her kids are now at Blanco Haven in Keyna."

Liv knew about Blanco Haven. It was a home for battered wives and their children as well as unmarried pregnant women. Such home provided psychological, medical and legal assistance to women who were not capable of supporting themselves. "Why are they there?"

Xander answered, "Your aunt decided to leave her husband. That's what she just said. Is she having problems with her husband?"

Liv imparted, "Their marriage had been in rocks for quite some time. Tita doesn't tell me much. We should go there."

Xander warned her, "You might not like what you'll see. I told her we'll come but she said she didn't want you to see her in her current condition. The home will just accept her and her kids if they were really in a very bad situation, babe. So, you must be ready. Tita Des worries about you so much. Actually she told me to protect you from her husband. I know he might bother us, babe. But why does your aunt seem to be very worried about you being approached by her husband?"

Liv's face saddened, "It's a part of my life that I'd rather not talk about but since you're my husband, I think you deserve to know." She took a deep breath, "Tita Des' husband tried to rape me. But he didn't succeed. Tatay came just in time. He was then accompanying you in one of your long trips. Nanay had left us already then. Tatay left me for a while to them coz he didn't want me to be alone."

Xander hugged his wife, "I will never ever allow that man to be near you or your relatives ever again."

Liv uttered, "Thanks," then she slightly pulled herself away from her husband's embrace, "I want to see Tita and my cousins now."

Xander warned her, "Seeing her might stress you out and our baby."

Liv answered, "I'll be more stressed if I don't get to see them soon."

Xander replied, "I agree but still I warn you."

Liv assured him, "I'll be fine."

They immediately went to the home. Upon reaching it, they talked to the directress of the home.

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