Mental Disorders

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There is a difference between being depressed and just really sad all the time.

Sadness that lingers for days, weeks, or even months on end is automatically labelled as depression, but depression is more, depression digs deeper than sadness. Depression is a heavy weight in your chest, a constant reminder that you don't feel as if life is worth everyday struggles. Depression swallows you whole and is always on your mind.

There is a difference between having anxiety and feeling anxious.

You might feel anxious if you are confronted with a new or rarely occurring situation. This anxiety may come with stress, but that does not mean that you are labeled as having anxiety. Having anxiety is a constant tugging at your heartstrings, denying you comfort or serenity.

There is a difference between not eating and anorexia.

If you feel as if you've eaten too much for the day, not because you're full, but because you don't really like your appearance and want to be a little slimmer, you might bypass a meal or a snack. Anorexia is the refusal of the mind to accept the concept of consuming food or gaining weight.

There is a difference between neatness and OCD.

If you want the corners of pages to be aligned and accept the chance to wash your hands, you want things to be clean and neat. OCD is the constant reminder by the world around us that perfection is an illusion and that nothing can ever be perfect.

There is a difference between feelings and mental disorders.

If you think that you might have a mental disorder, please, get help, but do not purposely flaunt your feelings that you feel others might have pity for you because of for attention. Mental disorders are often romanticized, but they are not meant to be so, they are meant to be locked up in our minds; they are not something to be proud of, however, do not feel ashamed, either.

If I forgot to add a feeling/mental disorder to this list, you can let me know in the comments if you want, and feel free to discuss anything either in the comments or through messages. I will always reply to messages and it's no trouble. If you want to rant, trust me, it helps.

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