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When I was born, I had a huge hole in my heart. The doctors tried to do surgery on me up my leg and it failed. They gave me mediciane untill I was about 1 or 2 years old. I had surgrey yet again, only in my back this time.

I couldn't walk untill I was 2 years old. My mom then had a baby, which was Nick.

The mintute they got home, I threw away his bottle. Don't know why thou...

On his first b-day, I caught my hair on fire. Didn't feel it, but when my mom screamed I screamed. I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream! Sorry, had to be said XD

But she got a bucket of water and put it out.

Years later, I had to have my tonesels and adnoise taken out. I couldn't talk for a whole week! DX

I couldn't eat any thing because it would just come back up and it didn't taste good, unless it was ramen noodles. YUM!

After that, some time, my mom started to do drugs and smoke a lot. When she got drunk, she would beat me up. Like pulling my hair as if it was a wig and hurting me by slapping me across my face. For no good reason.

After awhile, we moved in with my Aunt Rachel, who went to the store and left me and Nick alone....with our druken mom DX

She didn't do anyting besides sleep. We were used to it and thought it was natrual.

After a while, We went to faster care 3 times. Acually, 4 times. first, Momma Terrie, Two times with another, and last one was our grandparents.

They adopted us and I've been thankful to them. At first, when we were here, Nick would physically hurt me by twisting me arms and stuff.

I have been very emotional and I've even tried to commit suicide..I still do...don't tell any one who might know me cuz they would be mad!Q (i try not to curse)

Thats all.

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