You know that little voice you'll hear. The one that tells you to do something bad or good? Well, I can see mine and can hear them like a teacher yelling.
My angel one looks like Haou from yu gi oh gx. No, my little spirits do not look like me
My Devil is a boy who looks like and acts like Johan from YuGiOh Gx. He tries to get on Haou and its funny and gives me nose bleeds XD
I like them because they have helped me with my desicions, which end up good.
I have a spirit that looks like Yubel from yugioh gx and is both bad and good. She sits on my head a lot. Haou sits on my left so Johan sits on my right.
There awesome, they give my strength. Sometimes they take over me so if I act differently, thats because I'm not me, I'm who ever takes controll.
They have full forms, so there taller then me of cousre. Yubel is the most protective if you ask me.
This is how they act like when they take over me..
Hoau, mean, cold, quite, book worm.
Johan, preverted, mean, sporty, loud, hyper.
Yubel, nice, motherly, normal voice but calmer.
My eyes don't change sadly T^T
Because these are my spirits, I don't cry. Don't know why thou...
About Amber Agee (me)
PoesíaMy life..its been so hard..can I make it? Do I really have friends? Or are they useing me...Who can I trust...