~Oc Profile~

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Name: Aleka Honoka(last name given to by Jean, a brotherly figure towards her)

Species: Hybrid

DOB(date of birth?): Jan. 25

Origin: mostly unknown; originally Titan

Danger level (4): docile towards humans and animals, but can become hostile when threatened; hostile towards Titans

Likes:Titan shifters; animals; humans; kind souls; sweets

Dislikes: Medical testing; unstable souls; spicy food; Titans; small spaces

•Titan-shifting (controlled by herself)
•Animal-shifting/communication (including dragons; can grow Titan-sized in her forms)
•can grow wings of any animal
• can speak/understand English in Titan form
•Shows emotions in Titan form

Eats: human food; mainly sweets

Features: 5'7; tan; brown eyes; dimples

Age: 18 (human years); 3 (Titan years)

Companion: snake spirit (Ankara)

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