Chapter Fourteen- Heaven or Hell

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Max's Perspective

My body was pulsing with the pain of my fresh wounds. I didn't know how much more I could take of this.

My hands were harshly tied behind my back in long lashes of rope; keeping me a prisoner in this hell.

I looked around my empty room. There was nothing but the muffled cries of other people in the distant cells. 


The whisper of my name through the dull brick wall of the prison gave me a rush of sadness. Liesel. 

"Max? Are you okay?"

Her voice was coarse but gentle. I could almost feel her presence beside me.

I placed my hand on the cold stone, craving her warmth.

"Liesel. Are you hurt? What did they do to you?"

"I'm fine. They won't hurt me Max. I promise..."

I heard the hesitation and heartbreak in her voice. She was showing cracks within her spirit.  

"You sound weak Max. What did they do to you? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Fine."

"I think I may have a way out. Will you be well enough to move by morning?" 

"A way out? How?"

"Leave that up to me. Rest now, I'll wake you when the time is right."

"Why won't you tell me? Liesel?"

I was greeted with a long silence. 

"It'll be okay...just go to sleep. You'll need your energy."

A way out. Why wouldn't she tell me what she was up to? 

My eyes began to droop at the thought of rest. I was more than tempted than to surrender my consciousness for the night. 

"Alright Liesel. But you go to sleep too. I can't sleep properly without you anymore, remember?"

I heard a little smirk from the other side of the wall. 

"God. If I could only be next to you right now. Holding you close to me. Just sleeping together. Breathing together. Just together." 



"I love you."

"I love you too Saumench." 

Thank you for reading my story! I know it's a short chapter, but there'll be another one very soon!

If you've enjoyed my writing and want me to write more, please let me know! I've recently published the first few chapters of my new book, 'The Thieves of Tomorrow' which is an apocalyptic YA novel, full of action, adventure, mystery and romance. I'd really appreciate any people willing to read it!!! If any of my readers wish for me to read their stories in return, I'd be more than happy to! I x

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