jelly on rye

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Habits are hard to break.

It's not that you become emotionally attached or that they give you relief (although in Joyce's case that was part of it).

It's just a simple fact of life that habits are extraordinarily hard to break.

A one time event becomes a pastime, pastime becomes habit, and habit becomes routine.

Joyce understood this.

Every day was exactly the same for her.

She always woke up at 5:59 so she could turn off her alarm before it made a sound (so as not to wake up her family).

She always had two pieces of rye toast with crab apple jelly for breakfast.

She always wore a yellow shirt and lavender rain boots regardless of weather.

She always picked a dandelion during her 2 minute 37 second walk to the bus stop and she always waved at the bus driver as she stuck said flower behind her ear (because even weeds deserve to be called flowers).

She always had English first hour (and sophomore year when it turned out to be scheduled for third hour she dropped honors English in order to be placed in the on level class that was only offered during first hour).

She always had one banana, a granola bar, baby carrots, and a pudding cup for lunch.

She always went to the library right after school ended and studied until the bus rounded the corner at 7:54 pm. There she greeted the bus driver not employed by the school district with a simple hello and a gentle smile.

She always got home at 8:02 sharp and was in her seven minute shower by 8:03.

She always read the same bedtime story (green eggs and ham) to her little sister.

She always kissed her docile grandmother on the forehead at precisely 9:24.

And she was always asleep by 9:30.

Then, she woke up at 5:59.....

Joyce had a routine. No matter what happened throughout the course of the day, she completed her routine exactly on schedule (even if this meant avoiding activities, not finishing her homework, and making it to her junior year of high school with a shockingly small friend group).

She had followed this exact routine for 7 years, 19 weeks, and 2 days (give or take a few hours).

The routine began shortly after the event transpired.

However, 7 years, 19 weeks and 3 days after said event, she woke up to the startling sound of Dust in the Wind blaring on her alarm clock.

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