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Heyyyyy people ok so this one shot will be based on in the future when they are all in their thirty's and at Harry's stepdads bungalow. You know how they were in the x-factor. Oh and they're singing carrier is over. (Sorry I'm crying already thinking bout that but it goes with the oneshot! IM SORRY OK!) Oh and I'm sorry but there will be NO SMUT, I REPEAT NO SMUT!

Louis' p.o.v.

I walked into the living room to see them all laying on a blanket while their heads make a star shape. I saw a spot next to Harry. (Kind of like my profile pic.)

"Hey guys!" I said and they all looked towards me. They all smiled. I looked at Harry though. His dimples were showing. Oh how that made and still makes me all tingly inside. "Hey Lou." I smiled. I saw an empty spot right next to Harry, so I got it.

"What you guys doing?" I asked laying down next to Harry. "We're remembering the good times and the most important times we've had In our lives. We actually just started. So you haven't missed anything yet." Niall said, his accent showing more now then when he was 19.

I heard a squeal. Right then, and there, my little nephew came bouncing in. "Niall, your little buddy is here!" I said. Niall laughed and sat up from next to Zayn and Liam. "Hey, buddy. What you doing?" He asked. I heard the little boy squeal.

"Daddy, I want to play." Aman ((a-maan) trust, safety, protection, calmness) asked Niall. Just then Niall's wife, Zara, came in. She gave us all a smile. "Hey guys, just thought I'd bring the little one over so he could see his bestest uncles ever, plus his daddy! Oh yeah Ni, can you watch him tonight? I'm going over to Becky's for a girls night again!" Niall smirked.

"Ok but just don't get drunk off your ass again Z!" She just rolled her and left the room, leaving Aman with Niall. "Guys I'm going to go and give Zara Aman and then ill be right back." We all nodded and watched him as he left the room. A moment later, Niall walked back in and we heard the door shut.

"She's going home to put him to bed for a nap." He said laying back down in the circle. "So..." I dragged out.

"So... What?" Harry mocked. I just playfully glared at him. "So where do we start this off at?" I asked. They shrugged. "Um how about the x-factor?" Zayn suggested. We all hummed in agreement.

"What was your favorite bout the X factor Ni?" I heard Liam ask. Niall hummed as he thought. "I liked meeting you guys for the first time! It was the day I found my brothers. And my new family's!" I smiled. It was basically the same for me and I could say that for the other boys too!

Then Zayn spoke. "For me, the best time would have to be when we got put together. Then is when the relationship of Larry Stylinson came into focus. Also when we were formed officially and got the best time of my life. Also people who actually brought me out of my shyness. Love you guys. Brothers for life."

Next Liam. "Yeah, I'm agreeing with Zayn. Except one thing. I wouldn't have met my beautiful wife if I didn't go!" Liam said, drifting off into daydream land about Danielle (I know they aren't together anymore but I loved/love Peazer!).

Finally it was my turn. "I met my four best friends, my biggest dream came true, my wonderful husband and the video diaries. Video diaries were my favorite!" I said. "Oh almost forgot." I stood up and they gave me a weird look but they found out what I was doing a second later. "CARRRRRROOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEEEEEE LIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTT!" I screamed. It was bloody loud. Even for me.

I looked at them and they were all looking a bit pale. "What's wrong guys?" I asked. They just cracking up. Niall mostly, still. I was confused. What the heck just happened?

"Guys what is so funny?" I asked and Zayn was the first one to stop laughing and talk. He had a goofy grin on his face. "Lou, we knew that that high pitched voice of yours would come in handy!" I knew what he meant. I just crossed my arms put on my pouty face.

Harry was the second one to finish laughing. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. I kissed his cheek and jumped up, only to be pulled back down in his lap.

I couldn't help but giggle. I love haz! "RYAN!" I yelled. My son came bursting into the room a moment later in a fit of laughter. "Yes dad?" He asked. He's 6 now so he knows pretty good language! I kissed his cheek and so did Harry. "Call aunt Perrie to see if you can go over uncle Zayn and aunt Perrie's." he nodded and left the room.

We all laid back down with our bodies forming a star. "So where were we at?" Liam asked. I shrugged. "How about we just enjoy each others company right now. I mean Louis bout blew out my ear drums and I can't hear a thing." I heard Zayn shout. God, was my voice really that loud?

I chuckled at the thought. I could not believe it. My voice was high pitched. Well I guess that's what comes with being gay. Oh wait, Harry's gay too, so why is his voice deep and manly! "NOT FAIR!" I shouted. I didn't mean to. They all looked at me and I just smiled.

Harry lent over and pecked my lips. I love the feeling of his lips. Their so soft and they feel like a cloud. I couldn't help but giggle.

"So, what now?" I asked. They shrugged. "Hey boys, remember when we played at the Olympics?" I suddenly asked excitedly. I couldn't help but being excited. I loved that day and I got to do it with my 4 best friends."

I heard Harry pipe up. "Louis William Tomlinson, how the hell could we forget that?" I shrugged giving no one in particular a knowing look.

"You know, I remember when we played that sold out show at Madison Square Gardens. That was a great time." I heard Zayn say. Then the doorbell rang and Ryan came running out. "I'll be back later dads! Bye!" I heard him shout. Me and Harry shouted at the same time.

I sat up for a quick moment to look at Zayn's face. I heard a smile in his voice but I didn't expect the grin I saw.

"Hey, you wanna know what I remember the most though?" I heard Niall pipe up for the first time this whole conversation. We all hummed.

"When Larry Stylinson actually came out. I mean now you two have Ryan and I have one on the way. I just can't get the thing out of my head. It's stuck on replay like Katy perry was! Wow. See what I did there." He said. I laughed. He was still the same Niall, just not as hungry.

"I love you guys. Thanks for being my family!" I said falling asleep on Harry's shoulder.

Harry's p.o.v.

I watched Louis fall asleep on my shoulder just then. I loved when he sleeps on me. I get to see his face every time I look down. I couldn't believe that he was mine. MINE. I am in love. Omg, I just used out song lol.

When I first proposed, it was just like simple BUT when Louis did the second time, he went all out. We went to a waterfall, I forget where. Horrible I know, but he took me out in a canoe. It was really romantic. Also where he proposed was in the middle with flower pedals. It was roses too!

I think we went to Niagara Falls. I loved it. And since our house is in California, it was easy to get there. I mean like also we will go back to London someday cause that's where we want Ryan to grow up fully. And also we want him to go back to his suppose-to-be-real home. We moved here right after Ryan was born. Plus, America is great, but me and Lou miss England.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already 8:30 p.m. and that means I go to bed. "Well guys, I'm going to bed. Ill take Lou to bed with me too!" I said getting up so Louis doesn't wake up. I bent down and picked him up and carried him to our room in the house. I heard the phone ring and Zayn answer. I think it was Perrie. I stripped Louis off, not the first time I touched his body, or the parts on it. Then I stripped off. I laid on the bed next to Louis and closed my eyes.

That night I drifted off in to a thought of how lucky I was to have all I do. And also if one of us didn't show up for our audition that year, we would never been One Direction. Man how I am grateful for what has happened to me over these years.

1.) traveling
2.) One direction
3.) Louis
4.) meeting the boys
And 5.) something I don't regret is marring Louis and having a kid.

I just miss how we were one direction. it seems like yesterday when we were in the band singing, jumping around on stage, being silly and acting crazy for the fans. I must say I love my life. Modest! was a horrible management. I'm just glad after the third year we ditched them! "I love my life and I love you Lou!" I whispered in Louis' ear as I drifted off in to a peaceful slumber.

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