1 2 3 Jump

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Harry and Louis are still in one direction and their contract with Modest! is almost over but not quite yet. They can't take it anymore, not being able to hold each other in public. What happens when Modest! draws the line on their relationship?

I was standing at the edge with Louis' fingers sowed to mine. So, this is how it is going to be. "Harry, I'm scared." Louis said as his body trembled. I was trying to hide my trembling so he wouldn't get so worked up, well looks like a complete and total fail.

"I am too Louis. Just know once this goes down, we can be free and be able to go where ever we please without having to cover up with lies." He smiles at the idea and that was the last reaction I got from him before the words slipped out of our mouths.

"On three," I said. "Ready," his voice trembled.






I was standing outside of our managers door, waiting for Louis to come out. When he went in, he was happy, joyful, and plain hyper. Now as he exits the office, tears stream down his face as his body shakes from the silent sobs. "Harry, please come in." I heard Jacks voice call from the door. I grabbed Louis and kissed his cheek. As I pulled back, I looked him in the eyes. "Be strong ok?" He nodded and I walked into the office.

"What do you want from me now? Fake girlfriend like Louis?" He nodded his head in response and I just looked at him with disgust and hatred clearly in my features. "Yes, that's exactly that I want. Harry, Louis has been giving you acting lessons. We need to test them out now." He smiled. God I hated him. I hated everyone associated with Modest!. Not simon though. He's like my uncle.

"I hate you. I hate you so damn much jack. Or should we call you the jackass of the century? Yeah that suits you." I said, getting up and walking out the door. I grabbed Louis' hand and dragged him out of the building. Only to be met by rain, which suited my mood right now. "I'll catch up with you Lou. Run to the passenger side of the car. Ok?" He nodded and on the count of three, he ran. I then forced myself to follow his tracks in two minutes.

I got into the driver side and got in as fast as I could. I was already soaked. I took off in the opposite direction of our flat. "Harry, what are you doing?" I heard Lou ask. I sent him a side glance and then grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "I'm going to end my misery. I want you to come with me but you don't have to. Ok?" He nodded and once more I squeezed his hand.

Once we got to the end of the bridge, I turned off the car and jogged down the sidewalk that lead across the river to another part of London. Well leaving London that is. I jogged all the way down to the center of the path and in the middle when it has been said that the river is deepest. I heard footsteps behind me and just the heaviness of them, I could tell it was Louis.

"Harry, what're you doing." His voice fradgial.

"I'm going to end my suffering Lou. I can't take it." My voice quivered for a moment. I then stepped on the other side of the railing. Louis following which surprised me.

"Let me call the police first then we can jump ok?" I nodded.

I watched as my boyfriend dialed the number and started talking.

"Yes. Hello, un there are two men about to jump off the bridge. Yeah. Yep. Okay. Thanks."

Ok we can go now harry. I heard sirens but didn't care.

"Jump" we said in unison.

The last thing I see is Louis setting his phone down with a note written in the notes. Then everything went black.

Liam's p.o.v.

I heard a knock on the door and I jogged over to answer it. I saw it was a police officer. "Good evening. Are you," he looked at a piece of paper. "Liam Payne?" I nodded.

"We have found this phone on the bridge. Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles jumped off earlier and this is all they left. We are now pulling their bodies out of the water but we thought you might want to read this.

I took the phone from his hand and skimmed the message.

Liam, if you find this note, just know me and Harry were planning this for a long time. Well not exactly long 5 minutes to be exact. We are free now. Just know we will be happy in the after life.

Signing off forever ~Louis and Harry

P.s. officer, find Liam James Payne and give this to him.

I broke down into tears and didnt know what to do. And the next thing I remember after that, is me and the two lads standing at the edge of the bank, blankets wrapped around us and watching the bodies of our brothers being pulled out of the water. They were purple and they looked peaceful. Like they were meant to be together for eternity. Their fingers interlocked. I waved and just fainted, that's the last thing I remember.


So guys, how was it? It's 12:00 pm here and I can't seem to focus and write more. I might tomorrow but I'm so damn tired my brain is shutting down. Goodnight lovely's

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