Editing For You

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As a writer, we've all been there during the days where you've just updated a chapter and you're wicked proud of your work. Suddenly, a wild notification appears and it seems someone has commented on your work.

Excitement fills your chest only to deflate instantly when you see the infamous * marked on an inline comment that you have made a spelling mistake.

Total mood killer.

As a reader, we all love opening up a book and enjoying how clear and precise a book is. But that's because the final product has been through an editor or several before it's final publishing.

This book is to set up a partnership between writer and editor.

If you love correcting, sign yourself up for the task.

You will be paired with a writer who needs some help BY THEIR REQUEST.

If you would like to be an editor please designate yourself as such in the comments.

DO NOT. I REPEAT, DO NOT SAY "message me if you need an editor". IF YOU DO SO YOUR COMMENT WILL BE DELETED. It's really confusing and we will have no idea if people paired themselves or not. So just wait for us to pair you. Thanks!

If you wish to have your work reviewed, please submit your name and the title of your work in the comments.

When you are paired with someone, please comment on the chapter so that we know you saw it.

If you've commented and don't see it that means it's in drafts waiting to get paired.

This is editing on a simple level.

As an editor it is not your job to tell the writer to make changes to their plots unless the writer asks you to.

If you find plot holes during your editing you may politely point them out to the writer before fixing them.

Be kind.

Be respectful.

Let the editing begin.

Editing Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat