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Chasity's Point Of Vew:

"Ma I'm home!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, as soon as I walked through the door from school.

Then I heard yelling, and screaming from upstairs. A bunch of things being thrown, and I flinched at the sound of a glass breaking.

"What the fuck?" .. I rushed upstairs to her room, and I already seen glass on the floor, I tried not to step into any of it.

But when I got to her room, I seen her naked crying, while my father pinned her down and forced himself on her.

"Dad! What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled running over to him, I even tried pulling him off with the little strength I have.

"Chasity get out! This is none of your got damn business.." He yelled at me. I suddenly become enraged, and begin crying. I picked up all of the big broken glasses on the floor and kept throwing them at him. He was raping my fucking mother and expected to get away with it.

He got off of her and grabbed me by my arm, and pushed me out of the room, shutting the door in my face. I heard my mother yell "No! Please! Stop no!" ..

I kicked the door and ran to my room. I rushed my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed 911.

"911, how may I help you?" I heard the lady say.

"My mother's being raped! Come and help now!" I yelled into the phone.

"How old are you?"

"15! Now can you send some damn help?!"

"Okay, we'll send help right away."

"How lo--" my voice was cut off cause she had already hung up. I ran to my mothers door and banged it, trying my hardest to bust it down.

"Chasity I'm gonna beat the shit out of you if you don't move from that door!" I heard my dad yell from inside of the room.

"I don't care! If it gets you the fuck off my Mama, I don't give a shit!" I yelled while crying, I was still banging and kicking the door.

Suddenly the door flew open, with my father in his boxers, and a boner. This was disturbing as fuck.

Then he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me towards my room. He shoved me inside and slammed the door.

"And don't you dare open that fucking door till I say so!" I heard him yell.

I was so furious, then I heard a cop car alarm from outside of my window. I ran to my window and saw to policemen walk out of the cop car.

I quickly walked out of my room, and ran downstairs. I opened the front door, before they could even knock.

"Come! Their upstairs!" I said through a cracked voice. I ran upstairs with them following me. I led them to the room which door was locked.

"I'm gonna need whoever is in there to unlock this door this instant!" One of them said banging the door. Suddenly the squeaking of the bed stopped, and all you heard was my Mama weeping. It broke my damn heart to hear or even see my mother like this.

"Shit!" I heard my father whisper from inside.

"If you don't open this door right now!" the other policeman yelled.

The door opened slowly, but the policemen pushed it to see what the hell was going on. My dad had his clothes on and my mother was buttoning her cardigan. And I thought to my self 'This nigga better not be trying to cover up a lie, cause it aint gonna work!'

"Yes officer? How may I help you?" My dad said in a polite voice. That was not how he sounded 10 minutes ago when he was roughing me up.

"Are you the father of this child?" the policeman asked.

"Yea, why?" he said pulling me closer to him.

"You're under arrested.." the other policement said pulling out his handcuffs.

"What the fuck? Why?!" he yelled. But the policemen didn't even answer. They just struggled to get the handcuffs on his wrist, and my father refused to let them. After a while of him cursing out the police, they finally got it on his wrist. They had to force him downstairs and out the door.

And the whole time Mama was on her bed crying into her hands. I sat down next to her, and pulled her closer to me. She cried into my chest until the cops left.

She got up and started cleaning the mess on the floor, still crying. I helped her but it really killed me to see her like this.

"Mama, it's over now. It's okay.." I told her.

"He thought I was cheating on him! But I wasn't!" she said crying. "He thought I loved someone more than him! But I didn't!.. He thought someone else had my attention, but no one else but him had my attention! My undivided attention!"

She cried even louder, I went over to her to comfort her.

For the next hour we continued to clean, and after.. the whole time I stayed with my mother. Just to make sure she was okay. My phone been ringing for the past hour. But I ignored it. It was probably my bestfriend Janice. She would never leave me alone unless I answered her.

Then my brother Trent came home, he didn't have a clue of what happened today.

He was 17, lightskin, and tall. Proctective as hell over me and my Mama, and he gonna be pissed the hell off when he find out what happened earlier today.

"Mama! I'm home!" I heard him yell.

Then I heard his footsteps come up the stairs, and the door of his room shut.

Then again, the door bell rang. We weren't expecting company, we barely had anybody come to our house. Unless it was Janice or Rene, Trent's girlfriend. And it was already to late at night for them to come, so this was unusual.

I went downstairs to open the door, and I seen the same poliecemen in front of me from earlier.

"Um, yes?" I said.

"Where is your mother? We need to hear her story for investigation of the scene that took place earlier" the first man asked.

"Um, Okay?" I said. "Mama! Someones here for you!" I yelled for her to hear me upstairs.

She came downstairs a few seconds later.. Puffy red eyes, and dull face expression. I've never seen her like this.

She stood in front of the police officers with a confused face.

"Are you Mrs. Calisfort?" one of the police officers asked.

"Yes, this is she. Why? What's going on?" she asked.

"We're gonna need to ask you what exactly happened earlier. May we come in?" he asked.

"Sure" she said inviting them in.

They sat at our dining room table, and they pulled out their notepads to take notes. I stayed there to see what exactly was about to take place.

"Who was at the door?!" I heard Trent say coming downstairs.

Then he seen the police officers at the table, and looked confused. "Uh, what the hell is going on?" he asked.

"Just sit, and watch. Then you'll know" I said to him.

He sat next to me feeling unsure about this. "Where's dad?" He asked.

I ignored him, cause I couldn't even bare to talk about what had happened. Then he noticed Mama's face looked sadder then usual. He seemed very concerned now.

"Okay, lets begin" the police officer said. "Mrs. Calisfort, what exactly led Mr.Calisfort to perform such action?"

"Well, this whole week he's been getting some feeling that I was cheating on him. I don't know where the hell he got that feeling because I wasn't. It seemed as if he was paranoid or something. This whole week we had more than 10 arguments, all because he didn't believe me. Then today, we had another argument. It was the most intense one this week. Then he shoved me against the wall and said 'You wanna love other men? Is that what the fuck you wanna do? No! Ima make you love me again' , I was so scared for my life because that was the first time in our 12 years of being married that he ever layed a finger on me. I was shocked." She paused cause she was crying. And Trent's eyes started to water up. I couldn't help but cry neither, my father was never like this. I don't know what the hell has gotten into him. Then she continued..

"Then he picked me up and dropped me on the bed, almost causing my head to hit the headboard of the bed. I seen him taking off his pants, and I got so scared, so I got off the bed and tried to get away.. But he pulled me back. I tried throwing perfume bottles at him, I tried throwing my mini mirror at him. He got a few cuts but it didn't stop him from forcing himself on me. He began undressing me, he ripped my clothes because I wouldn't let him. I was so terrified. He got me back on the bed, and-and.. forced himself in me. Then I heard my daughter Chasity yell from downstairs 'Ma! I'm home!' , I didn't want her to see what was taking place. I didn't want her to see what he father was doing. So I tried to get away, I continued to throw stuff at him, trying to get him away, but he just kept pulling me back." she paused again..

"Then I heard Chasity's footsteps coming up the stairs, and she yelled at her father, and she even sweared at her father. She had never done that before, she yelled 'Dad, what the fuck are you doing?!' , but he didn't care, he yelled back.. 'Chasity get out! This is none of your got damn business..' , she even tried getting him off of me with the little strength that she had. He pushed her out of the room and shut the door in her face. I begged him to get off of me. He didn't care what the fuck I was saying to him." I seen the policemen jotting down notes, as quickly as they could, cause this was alot of information.

"A few seconds later, Chasity was banging the door, kicking it. Trying to bust it down. He got tired of her so he shoved her in her room, and shut her room door. Then came back and continued to violate me. I tried so many times to escape but he just kept pulling me back. I felt helpless. Then he stopped when he heard 'I'm gonna need whoever is in there to unlock this door this instant!' , he whispered to me 'Hurry the fuck up and get dressed' , then he noticed there was too much evidence, of the glass all over the floor and semi yelled 'Shit!' , and then he opened the door. You guys know what happened from there." she finished.

By now me, Mama, and Trent had tears streaming down our faces. And Trent wasn't the type to cry.

"Okay, thank you Mrs.Calisfort. We'll get going now. If anything, call whenever." one if the policemen said. I really couldn't tell the difference between the police officers. It was almost as if, they were twins.

They walked out the door. And me, my brother , and Mama were just sitting at the table, silent and speechless at what happened today. This was gonna be a bitch to get over..





Chapter 1 Coming Tuesday! 10 Votes? Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks!

Picture of Chasity on the side! --->

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