Chapter 10 - Fears and Tears

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I know yall don't like recaps but if I don't put it, it sort of messes up the flow of the cliffhanger "/ Sorry guise.  Also people were telling me to change the point of views but this is a one point of view story :/ Sorry. Chasity is the main character.



"Trinity relax.."

"Don't call my fucking name! Drugs is one thing I don't tolerate in this house! So you're out of this fucking house! Your shit is packed. So I'll call you a cab and you'll be out in the next twenty minutes! I don't even want to see you're fucking face. Don't even bother coming to therapy no more Clyde! Cause that shit aint working!"

I can see Clyde was taken back by her yelling, and things got really intense. He stared at her for a good ten seconds. And his look was intimidating, but it wasn't intimidating Mama cause she was angry as hell. I never seen her like this, so this, was a surprise. But then Clyde finally spoke.

"Excuse me bitch?" 



Chapter 10 - Fears and Tears

Chasity's Point of View: 

I can see that Mama was taken back by Clyde's reply by the look on his face.

"Excuse me?" Mama said. "Get the fuck out! NOW!"

And before my eyes I see Clyde standing up from his seat to put his big as hands around Mama's neck.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again! You hear me bitch?" he said yelling. And I  couldn't stand to watch. Mama's eyes rolled back because she had no air to breath. Her face was turning red and she started to sweat.

"Yo get the fuck off of her! Are you fucking crazy?!" Trent yelled. He stood up from his seat and he  punched Clyde in the face, not even caring where he punched him, and he tried to loosen Clyde's grip on Mama's neck. Me..on the other hand, was frozen. I wanted to help, but what I was witnessing broke my heart to much for me to even move.

The dream I had..

I should've known that running Clyde out of the house wasn't going to be this easy. Trent had finally got Clyde's hand from Mama's neck.

My mother fell to the ground. She was probably dizzy as hell by now. She was inhaling and exhaling loudly while touching her neck as if it was fragile. Her eyes closed but I could see that she was still breathing. She had passed out.

"Touch my mother like that again! I swear I will fucking kill you!" Trent yelled at Clyde. Trent walked over to Mama on the floor to see if she was okay.

"Pack your shit and get the fuck out." Trent said. Clyde sat back down, and chuckled.

"No.." he said calmly.

"Fuck you mean 'no' "? I said standing up.

"I said what I meant, and I meant what I said." he said.

"I'm calling the cops. You need to get the hell out of here." I said.

"I dare you.." he said.

And for some reason when he told me that, it made me hesitate and think twice on whether I should call the cops or not. But hell with thinking twice, he choked Mama and he wouldn't get the fuck out.

I pulled my phone out of my sweatpants and unlocked it. I ignored Terrence's text and went straight to the dial screen.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Chasity.." he said calmly.

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