Chapter 1

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My name is Robert. I wish I could say that I've never experienced a traumatic event in my life, but I would be lying if I did say that. I was 14 years old at the time of the incident. My dad was in the military. His deployment was supposed to last 3 years, but he died on the flight to Iran. He was known to have heart problems. That's what they said he died of, a heart attack.

That was one of the darkest times in my life. Exactly a week after my father's death, my mother had a stroke. She was in the hospital for almost two months when she slipped into a coma. My mom said that she didn't know what she would do if she lost me, but I never got to say that to her because she died two days later. That's when I went into hardcore depression. The only way to keep me from hurting myself was to take some pills that I was prescribed by a psychiatrist.

The only problem was, whenever I took the medicine, it would send me into a different place. Instead of seeing the normal streets I usually walked down, I would see blood and guts and shadows. I saw the most evil things when I took those pills. And now my life is ruined. The pills have completely ruined my life. Now my demons follow me through the silence in the night.

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