And Then....i met 5sos and 1D

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It was an ordinary day just hangin with my best friends Marley, Kate, Jase, Logan and my twin brother Niall (no not Niall Horan from One Direction) when we heard the thunderous sound if screaming teenage girls. As we got closer I seen the mob (not the one from step up revolution). I turned to my brother.
"Hey NiNi can you pick me up on your shoulder so I can see why they are screaming"
"Sure sis"
As he lifts me up I can see that they are screaming because of ONE FRICKING DIRECTION AND 5SECONDS OF SUMMER. I keep my cool and ask my brother to put me on top of a huge truck then asked if him Logan and Jase could put Marley and Kate up here then them get up here. And they did.
" um Jade do you have any idea how to get rid of them fans?" My brother asked. I just nod. And yes my name is jade.
" OK so on the count of 3 we scream hey then once we get their attention we ask them to leave the boys alone it looks like they want a day to relax. K." Every one just agrees.
"One" I say
"Two" Niall
"Three" Jase, Logan, Marley, late
" HEY" all 6 of you scream
Every fan and 1D and 5Sos look at you.
" OK so I just think every one should leave. I think I can just say that the boys just want a day to relax and just not get mobbed by a bunch of screaming girls for a day or 2 so please leave. Thank you." With that you jump down along with the others. Every one left and you walk up to the guys.
" hello love. Thanks for getting them to leave we appreciate it. I'm zayn this is Louis, liam, Harold, Niall, Lucas, Ashton, Calum and Michael" zayn says.
"Hey no problem. Glad we could help. I'm Jade, this is my friend Marley, Kate, Jase, Logan and my twin Niall" I say pointing to everyone as I say their names.
" hey looks like we have the same name there mate" Niall Horan says
" looks like we do" my bro said and they bro hugged.
" hey do you guys maybe wanna hang out with us for a bit" Luke asks looking at you and then looks down blushing.
" sure we'd love to" me and my friends say at the same time.
We went to top shop, rue 21, American eagle, American apparel, and aeropostale. After shopping we went to McDonalds. By the time we were done eating the boys drove us home. Before I got out of the car Luke told me it was fun hanging out with me today and took my phone to put in his number and I did the same to his. Then he gave me an unexpected kiss. I blush and tell the boys goodnight. Then i give Luke a kiss/ peck on the lips before telling him good night and went inside my house while the boys (1D and 5SOS) went to their hotel. when I went inside I took a shower and put on my pajamas before brushing through my hair and going to sleep dreaming about Luke and the two kisses you shared. But before you went to sleep you get a text from luke.

To: Jade the magnificent 💘
From: Lucifer Hemmings🎸🔥💗

Goodnight beautiful

To: Lucifer Hemmings🎸🔥💗
From: Jade the magnificent 💘

Goodnight Lucifer 😘

And with that you went to sleep dreaming of only mister Lucifer Robert Hemmings.

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