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Mini PoV

I looked around after getting to know each other, a little bit, from my silent analysis, i could slightly make out everybody's personality's. First of all, I am a small asian girl, and my name is Mini, I am shy, but love silently interacting with people and mumbling, i guess im pretty mysterious, and i don't show myself that much. Though the thing is people underestimate the power of being silent and not giving away too much, I am aware of ongoing things, and know the correct ways to solve problems. I could see that Mara, was strong and had energy for the world, she was an extrovert, and a would be a completely loyal friend. I found Tony cute, he was tall, and had a poof, of hair, he was also silent, but would go to far extents, to make everyone around him infected by happiness. That brings us to Den, he was tall, with fiery red hair, and was the opposite of tony, he was always sad, and had a cancerous attitude with others, and almost seemed to be able to kill anyone if he was asked to whom he didn't like. He seemed to be extremely vigilant and analyzed each situation before going into it. Though even with the attitude he had with others, for some reason he seemed likable through our group. Brooklyn was very energetic and like able, she would  try to engage into every conversation, and would only yell, when she finds something interesting. Bella was always often happy, but made her relationships strong through teasing others, she was out going, and the youngest in the group. Kylie, was also very young, asian, but she was more protective almost like a mom, but somehow she managed to at like one, without being bossy. She was super nice, liked hitting her friends on disagreement, and also seemed to get along well with Bella and Brooklyn. Finally Momo was part of our group, and she had curly blond hair, and wasn't tall nor short. She was always, happy, an extrovert, and would do anything to fit in, and be part of the group. 

First the bells rung, and then we saw everyone march over to this shack in the glade, and we noticed that that was lunch. We went over, and got plates, today's meal, was a simple rice with pork on the side, Mara seemed to through up. (She is vegetarian)

After about a half hour to an hour of conversating, with lunch, a girl named Leia came up to us and said that she would show us around. She got up and brought us to one of the doors in the walls, and said:

"These are the walls, that lead into a giant maze, that changes its pattern every night. We have kids called runners, that go into the maze every day and then they map it out everyday. Every night they comeback, store there part of the maze, North exit, South exit, etc. They put it into the chest that is for the year, and they look for patterns in change. We advise nobody to go into the maze if they want to live for at nights there are monsters we call grievers, that roam the maze, and they will kill you at first sight. Now this door is the-"

"So how do-" Said Denis

"Please leave questions for the end, this one is the North door, as labeled, and you can see the others are labeled as well" She pointed towards the North-West Corner, and said "That over there is homestead, its were everyone sleeps, and is where the usual relaxation place is there, though refrain from going into there, because we haven't set your beds up yet, and we don't need anyone slowing them down from setting down the set-up. As you can see next to homestead we have some cells, thats basically the glades prison, it's called the slammer, and if you fail to comply to the rules, as small punishment you will be sent into the slammer. Next we have the tree-cut, that's were we grow our wood, and some of our crops." She said as she pointed to the NE corner "The job that runs that is the harvesters, they cut the trees, and work as carpenters, but they also harvest the plants and work in the kitchen. "We walked over to this small shack next to tree cut. "This is were all of our culinary chefs work, and serve the food" She then introduced us to a person named Frank (Yes from percy jackson).

We then walked over to the center, where the elevator rose from. She then said:

"This is the shaft, four times a month, aka every week, we receive small supplies such as knives, axes, paper, windows, pencils, medicine, etc. Also once a month we receive a person." I noticed how she said a person in singular, maybe it was just a mistake. She then led us down to the SE corner and said:

"This is were the farmers come into play, they will harvest the crops here, and as you can see over there we have our animal pens, we have cows, chickens, turkeys, and pigs. The farmers jobs are to kill the animals and get their meat, and give them to the chefs. They also harvest the crops on the SE side of the glade." She then pointed to the SW corner and said "That corner is not worth walking to, it is called the deadheads,  and its basically our grave yard, but the twist is you can hangout there whenever you want, so it's a Park/Graveyard. Well that concludes our tour, I'll just explain to you guys a little how this place works: Every morning we have a breakfast in our work groups, or with friends, and at the latest you must start your soon assigned jobs, at 9 o'clock. Usually the runners will leave at like 7, and start mapping out the maze for the day. We have a lunch break at 1:30-2:30.  Then work ends at about 7, and we have dinner, and the days announcements, around a campfire, near the animal pens." I looked around and spotted a giant fire pit. "You then can sleep at whatever time you want, but if you wake anybody you get a day of community service. Now let me explain the punishment system, failing to comply to orders, is slammer, skipping or sloppy work on your job, community service, murder or assault, slammer, or a night out in the maze, also known as death sentence. Now all the amounts of punishment will be passed by the leaders of the glade: Each job has a leader teaching everyone about that job, and during the normal day works and puts everyone in order. The council of leaders, helps make bigger decisions around the glade." She stopped for a moment and said "That concludes our trip, come to the campfire at 7:30 so we can have dinner and assign your jobs, though first, go into the mapping room, and ask Adrien for the job tests.

We later entered the map room, and met Adrien, he had green eyes and poofy blond hair. He welcomed us and he gave us the test. We all got a paper with multiple questions, for example: What situation would you find yourself best at, if you were stranded by yourself, in a dessert? a)Keep running until you find a way out b)Find some crops and water to get a solid food supply, then escape c) Set up shop, and build a house, and tools. 

I simply just responded b because i guess it would be what i'd do, there were a couple other questions, and I answered them honestly. After i was done i waited for my "friends" until they were ready. We all then heard the bells ring again, and guessed it was dinner time. We ate some spaghetti this time, and it was pretty good. We gathered around the camp fire, and the night began. First of all Adrien, the leader of the runners, came up and said. 

"Welcome all, to the 1578th night of the glade. Today we are joined by new 8 new people! First of all Mini please stand up!

"Hi" I said as i was frightened by all the attention

"You will be working as a harvester in the glade! Make yourself feel welcome, and please join Leia tomorrow for your first day of training. Next we have Mara, please stand up!

"Hello!" She also said

"You will be working as a Lumberjack, and Carpenter here in the glade! Make yourself feel welcome, and please join Darwin for your first day of training tomorrow. Next Tony please stand up!

The night went on like this Tony ended up a carpenter and builder, while Brooklyn and Denis ended up as Runners, Kylie joined me in the garden while Momo and  Bella worked in the kitchen. After the ceremony, we all talked a little and went to bed. I was exited for the first day of training tomorrow! 

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