« 28 »

747 86 12

[ 12:23 A.M. ]

Im home - WU

did you see aone get off - FK

what a responsible waifu - KT

Hes fine - WU

your waifu is shit - FK

rude - KT

y do you care so much about him though - OT

youre constantly kissing his ass or smthing - OT

"oh, iwa-chan! what big strong arms you have. fuck me in the ass, iwa-chan, i love you~! <33" - FK

fuck you - OT

daddy iwa can do that instead - FK

like i havent heard that before - OT

youre so Fuckcjng original - OT

*original - FK

great thanks - OT

skype ↠ haikyuuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora