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Dylan was having a normal day hanging with her friend Andrea they were going to their youth group thing for church called wired. Andrea was talking about getting in touch with her friend from where she used to live which was in some other part of Georgia only an hour away from where we live now.

She said the one she just got in touch with was Thomas .

They were apparently really close or at least they used to be.

Dylan asked for a picture of this so called Thomas and Andrea sent one. He was this skinny, tall, blondie with blue eyes. Dylan thought to herself damn he is hot lol. So she started to text him on Andrea's phone and he answered and they had a little conversation. Finally Dylan just gave him her own phone number because she wanted to text him herself.

After church she asked if he had skype which is pretty much like factime but since Dylan had a samsung so she didnt have it.

Thomas said he did and that night they skyped. Dylan added Andrea into the call and all of them started talking and getting to know eachother. Well Dylan and Thomas got to know eachother. Andrea was pretty much pretty third wheeling but Dylan made sure she didnt feel that way. After Andrea left the call Thomas asked for all of Dylan's social media like snapchat, and instagram. And after that night they kept texting and snapchatting.

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