Puppy Love<3 #ChApTeR 8#

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Im sorry. :( im a really crappy uploader. well, anyways here it is. this chapter is for nicolettikane. check her out. read on

p.s. the full moon is tonite<3



B-bee's POV (she is in her wolf form)

I lifted my nose to the air and took in the smells of the air around me. Shane. He was close.

I shifted in to her human form and grabbed clothes from her bag to put on.

The lake was close by he must be there.

After getting dressed I tiptoed over to the lake as quiet as possible.

There he was.

He was wearing only jeans. His dark hair was a mess. He was watching the sun set over the lake.

His head whipped towards me. His gray eyes captured mine.

His eyes soften. Reflected in those gray pools were all relief, longing, adoration? . . . No it was more than that.

He tensed and I realize he is about to run.

"No, please don't run" I plead with my eyes, words and heart.

He relaxed.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

I slowly inched forward scared that he would run.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you were afraid of me, Bridgette" Shane laughed.

My expression changed to a scowl though he didn't see it because his eyes were now focused on the lake again. I took two big strides so I was standing next to him. I sat down super quickly.

"Oh I almost forgot." I said.

He turned to me confused, "What?"

I raised my fist and punch him square in the jaw with so much force I surprised his jaw didn't break. He raised his hand and started rubbing his jaw, "Now, was that really necessary?" he asked in a pained voice.

"Hell yeah it was! Don't ever leave me again" I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again, ever" he said it like he really meant it and I believed him but I had to ask.

My voice softened as I said "Promise?"

He leans towards me and just barely brushes his lips against mine. "I promise"

Shane's POV

"Promise?" she asks

The next thing I did I didn't even think about. I leaned towards her I and couldn't stop. I brushed my lips lightly against hers and whispered "I promise"

I pulled back shocked at what I had done. What did I do? What if she doesn't like me that way? What if-

My train of thought was caught off as I felt her soft, perfect lips on mine. Without thinking, I put my one hand on the back of her neck tilting her head up and moving her closer. My other hand moved to rest on her waist. Her arms went around my neck and she tangled her hands in my hair. Her lips moved with mine. Fireworks went off and I was surprised the whole forest didn't catch fire. Our lips moved together, in perfect and wonderful harmony.

Our mouths open together and our tongues touched. More fireworks. My tongue danced with hers.

She pulled away from the kiss all too soon, but didn't move out of my arms. I moved my hand that was on her neck down to her waist. She rested her forehead against mine, looked into my eyes and whispered, "I missed you"

My lips, still tingling lifted into a smile. "I missed you too"

"Why'd you leave?" she asked her forehead still resting against mine.

"I had to they were going to kill you, and they still might if we don't get out of here" i shivered at the thought.

"Who are THEY?"

"They are Braydan and Purple-Eyes" I said.

"Purple-Eyes?" she asked completely confused. She pulled her forehead away from mine to have a better look at my face. She still didn't pull out of my arms. I wondered why she wasn't shocked about Braydan.

"She's a hunter she looks about twenty has silver hair and purple eyes." She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. Then she nodded.

"I know" she whispered.

"You know?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, I had a dream. Well, it seemed more like a vision. So, real." She shivered.

"We need to leave"

"But what about the rest of the pack?"

I sighed, "I don't know"

We sat and talked there for what must have been hours. We fell asleep by the lake my arms wrapped around her. I had never had a better sleep.


(Still Shane's POV)

I woke to the sun rising above the lake.

Everything was perfect. Wait. Where was Bridgette?

I sat up, starting to panic. That panic turned to full out terror when I caught the scent in the air. It was HER.

Purple eyes.

I shifted quickly and effortlessly in to my wolf form. The only thing on my mind was Bridgette. I had to find her.

I followed Purple Eyes' scent.

Surprisingly, the trail lead to the clearing. The same clearing where I was caught listening in to Braydan and purple eye's conversation. I shuddered. I was hiding in some bushes , out of sight.

They were here I knew it.

I jumped from the bushes, a fierce growl ripping through my throat.

In the middle of the clearing stood Purple Eyes and Bridgette.

Purple Eyes held a knife to the throat of Bridgette, restraining Bridgette from running or well, moving.

The blade shone in the morning light.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her" a cold voice spoke.


There it is. hope you enjoyed. comment please! vote too!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2009 ⏰

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Puppy Love&lt;3 #ChApTeR 8#Where stories live. Discover now