Love is not enough

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I suppose that I was too hopeful

Being a dreamer does that to you

I'd see all of these happy children with their fathers

With each second, my heart would die a little more

Maybe I hoped that one day you'd appear

Show up at my door and apologize

"I'm sorry for all of the wasted years." you'd say

But that moment never came

The days continue to pass and the clock still ticks

Autumn leaves dissipate into the Winter snow

And I think

Think about you and who you are

Where you are

And what you've been up to all of these years

And I wonder

Wonder why you never came back for me

Was I not good enough?

All I wanted was your love

As the rain taps on the roof of this car

I watch it drip off of the chrome

And as Springsteen plays faintly in the background, I think of you

Why didn't you love me?

Was I...AM I not love able?

Life teaches

It teaches in grace and in responsibility


Love is

Just not


My Poetry by BethanyWhere stories live. Discover now