Romance and Almost Spilling the Beans

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Your POV***

"'Mona this' and 'Mona that' is all I hear from Raphael now. After crashing on that ice planet. That's all I hear. It has come to annoy me to no end. I don't know if this is jealousy, I hope not. I actually have grown to be... fond, of Raphael. I don't know what to do. April, What do I do?" I ask. Mona Lisa, why did Raph fall in love with her? She's an alien lizard for crying out loud! Even Leo doesn't know what he sees in her. "I don't know, my relationships never got to the point where I've actually like-liked them." April replied, I dared to question her about Casey. I've know how close they are. I've seen plenty of episodes of this show.

"Oh yeah? What about Casey?" The shocked expression on her face gave it all away. "Umm, what about him?" She blushed a bit. I knew it. Wait, what about Donnie? Is she giving him FALSE HOPE?! That made my blood boil. Donnie doesn't deserve to get hurt. "Oh just. . . Nothing. Umm, how do you feel about Donnie?" "Donnie?" She paused and her color came back. "Donnie is very sweet, and smart... He's always there when I need him." I see her visibly soften. "Do you like him? As in... A romantic interest?" She stared at me. Pondered on this for a moment. I anticipated for the results of this question. "Why? Do you like him?" She asked, trying to change the focus onto me. "No, I was just thinking, that... you and him seem close. I was thinking you were a couple for a while. Until I saw how you and Casey interacted." I lied. She looked at me again.

"Tell me April, Do you like Donnie?" I said with my confrontation tone. She tried to make herself small and seemed uncomfortable. She whispered "No." I felt anger rising in me, but I pushed it all down to my core. I could always take it out on her later. "That's all I wanted to ask." I spoke softly even though I was cursing her name in my head. "I'm gonna see what the other turtles are doing." I began to walk out the door. "Wait, You won't tell Donnie would you?" "April, that's for you to tell. Not me." I walked out of the door and head to Raphael's room to blow off steam. He has a punching bag, requested from Fugitoid.

"That... little... pain... not... even... ugh!" I said between punches. Raph is just watching me, amused at my anger. That was my fourth round punching that bag. I was mad at everything, Mona Lisa, April, Raph, Losing Master Splinter, being taken away from my mom, my dad. Everything. I started crying thinking about my family. Raphael, startled by my break down out of nowhere, went wide eyed and came to try to comfort me. "Hey (Your Name), lets... take a little break. Hm?" I nodded my head, still out of breath from using my energy on that bag. I took deep breaths. "Calm down, now. Do... Do you want to... talk... about what's wrong?" He hesitated. "M-My... My family. They... I can't see them again. I won't be able to see then again." My walls broke down and I started crying even harder than before. "Hey, Hey. Don't cry (y/n). All of us miss our families. You need to stay strong for them. We'll see them again soon-" I cut him off. "BUT I'LL NEVER GET THAT OPPORTUNITY!! Not like how you and your brothers can. I DON'T have a way to contact my family. I don't know HOW!" I lashed out. He stared at me wide eyed. "What do you mean?" I sucked in a breath. Should I tell him?​​​​​​​

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