Chapter 2 - Abandonment Issues

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Chapter Two – Abandonment Issues   

22nd April 11:42 PM

“I’m here” I told the Valhallan gatekeeper through my device, taking out the headphones.

“-We’re opening up now-” he replied, “-Welcome home Atlas.-”

I sailed high, darting through the wispy clouds on my approach to the gate to Valhalla. Far below I spotted the tiny sand island Niccolo had dropped me off on when I first left. A black shape beneath the water far below churned and threw up a torrent of bubbles and foam as it rose.

‘Ah’ I though while hovering above, waiting for the entrance to fully extend ‘My summer home.’

When the massive pipe stopped moving forward I descended, flying down to the shutter-style entrance as I opened with a roar. I dropped into the darkness, plunging to the pinprick of light at the bottom that marked the hangar.

My feet touched the ground, black planes extended in rows to the far side of the hangar. The Argos, I noted, was still not back. An Archaean attendant ran up to me, nodding firmly and walking beside me as I made my way to the elevator.

“Welcome back to Valhalla” he said, keeping pace with me “Have you come back to join us permanently Atlas?”

I shook my head, “Afraid not. I was approached with a proposition to deliver; I need to speak to the Council.”

“Of course” the Archaean nodded again, looking a little disappointed, “A meeting will be arranged as soon as possible. Naturally a few members are not present in Valhalla at the moment, but as soon as they return you will be informed.”

“Good.” I replied, “Speaking of which, when are the Argonauts due back?”

“In about three hours, no longer. Would you like to wait here for them?”

I sighed, “No, I don’t think so. I’m going to relax in the meantime, notify me when they arrive?”

“Of course.”

As I stepped into the elevator I turned, the attendant tipped his head once more before turning back to his duties.

“Level Four” I told the elevator, leaning back against the wall.

“-Acknowledged Atlas-” it replied, some things never change. The lights were all but out in the civilian housing area when I arrived, only a few flickering shadows were cast over the stony metal that made up the structures.

I walked forward silently, listening to the sounds of Archaean city. My feet left the ground as I leapt up, kicking off the thin bridges connecting the tall buildings to propel myself higher and higher. With a running leap I grabbed onto a spire next to the largest on the level, scaling it fluidly to its peak. Something about the physical effort of the climb was more satisfying, more rewarding than if I had just flown up. I launched myself up against the very tip of the building I was on, kicking against it to send me towards the largest spire. I caught on with one hand, dangling for a few seconds before gripping the ledge tightly and pulling myself to the top.

A muffled gasp made me pause, peering into the darkness in an attempt to distinguish where it came from. A brief series of sonar pulses revealed an Archaean male sitting on the ledge a few metres from me, staring in an attempt to find me himself. He was a few years younger than me; the aging process hadn’t begun to slow down yet. Stealthily he crept to the side, watching carefully as he felt his way around the sop of the tower.

“Hey” I said awkwardly.

He stayed silent.

“I can see you, you know” I told him, taking a seat on the ledge, “There’s no point in not saying anything.”

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