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One day, you're fighting for your life, and then you die. Go to heaven, hell, or are reincarnated.

I didn't.

I'm forced to live this part of my life over and over, until it stops. . . I'm going insane, reliving these stupid days.

Some days I can see them taunting me, blood pouring from open wounds; their eyes, throats, sometimes their heads are gone, ripped from their shoulders—

(I can't tell reality from fantasy very well anymore.)

I've done everything I can. I've warned them, delayed the boat, forced them to listen, anything to try to get them to believe me.

But they don't. One way or another Acnologia still comes to Magnolia, Tenrou, anywhere in Fiore, wherever I have to force them to go, he still comes. He always comes, taunting me with the fact that I can't save them.

He destroys the guild hall, the towns, kills everyone.

I'm always last. Useless, little, Lucy.


It hurts to watch them die. Sometimes, he just leaves. Like that. And I'm surrounded by the bodies of my friends, comrades. Their lifeless eyes haunt me. Natsu, Erza, Gray, and innocent little Wendy.

(I never slept right for weeks after staring at her grotesque body.)

When he leaves, I'm left to stay there and cry, because that all I can do. I can't resurrect the dead, I can't heal like Wendy. I can't do anything.

Somehow, I'll get out of this. But, maybe I won't, maybe I've been fighting for nothing.

But I'm tired of sitting around, waiting for something different to happen.

I'll save them. And myself.


Loop 57

I awoke with a scream wanting to pass through my lips, but it never made it out.

I just died, again.

This time, he ate them. Through bone, muscle, and fat. Blood was everywhere, Natsu went nuts as he saw Acnologia chew through Droy. We were in Magnolia, and Acnologia had killed and ate more than a thousand civilians and mages alike.

Natsu was one of them too. (His head was right off his shoulders, oh god all that blood—)

Makarov took the brunt of his attacks. He was a giant, fighting a dragon, and getting pulverized by attack after attack.

I couldn't do anything to help, my whip did jack shit, all I did was hold open my spirits gates while they did all the work.

Gray was about to use the technique that killed Ur, Iced Shell. Natsu wasn't so happy about that. He yelled at Gray, and lost his focus on Acnologia. That's how he died.

A pitiful excuse for death if you ask me.

Gray, in his grief, missed a mass of energy that shot right through him. Everything was a mess. Erza tried her best, but got taken out by his claws, straight through her armour and piercing her heart. The blood that poured from her was the same colour of her hair. A beautiful red.

Everything happened so fast after that. He was ripping people apart left and right, spewing beams of dark magic at people. . . It was a massacre.

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