Chapter 8

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James clutched the parchment tight and pocketed it, feeling woozily lightheaded. A million thoughts jostled into his attention, but he only grabbed one: I have to get out of here.

He tiptoed out of the office and found Francois looking bewildered, but still Veela-ishly stunning. Her hair was a mess, and her face was scratched, and any jewellery she'd worn was nowhere to be found. There were half the number of Nifflers in the cage now than before James had unleashed them. Despite the shock and horror of the past revelation, James couldn't help but feel proud of himself. Now the first years would have half as much work to do and someone to snicker at.

As Francois stormed up to her office, James snuck into the shadows so she couldn't see him. He had hid his Gryffindor tie below his black robes for good measure. Now was the best time as any to have the Invisibility Cloak.

As she slammed her door shut, he sped out of the classroom, ran up to the Gryffindor Tower to grab his books and raced back to Transfiguration class........ only to find it deserted.

James looked around looking shocked. Were they playing some kind of trick on him? There was no one there except Professor Webbertone. She looked up sternly from her half-moon spectacles and sighed expectantly. Her salt-and-pepper haired braid was settled neatly down her front. James was known to have missed the most number of classes at present Hogwarts, but that was mainly because of pranking and playing hooky purposes; all intentional. This was the first unintentional time, but James had a feeling that it wouldn't matter. None of them would believe him after his record.

"Go to Muggle Studies, Potter," Professor Webbertone sighed. "I will record this, as usual. What is your excuse this time?"

James ran a hand through his messy hair and looked down sheepishly. His books were still tightly clutched in his hand, and the parchment he took from Francois' office felt heavy in his pocket. He couldn't believe it, but this time he actually felt guilty. For what, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was the shock of finding those names in the parchment, maybe not.

"I.... umm..... lost track of time," he stupidly said. That was one of the worst excuses he'd ever made.

"What a shame," said Professor Webbertone in a sarcastic voice. "Really, what happened to the spider infestation in the boys' bathroom? Or did the person who locked you in your dorm suddenly found it boring? I do hope it wasn't because an anonymous wizard pulled you back and cast a memory charm on you. Or was it?"

James sank even lower listening to some of his previous excuses. He mumbled, "I'm sorry, Professor Webbertone."

"Too right you are. Your first day of the year and you play hooky. This action will go to the Headmaster as well as your parents. You may go now."

James walked out of the classroom feeling worse than when he'd entered. As he came out, he bumped into someone. A sweep of bright red hair and small height determined who.


Oh, God. Did Rose hear all that Professor Webbertone said? She looked up. Her expression was sad. "Whoops. Sorry, James. My class now." Behind her, a group of Slytherin first years were walking towards the Transfiguration classroom. James understood almost instantly.

"Oh. Well, good luck," he smiled awkwardly. He still hadn't forgotten what Rose had said to him when he made fun of Al before his Sorting. He felt small now.

As Rose walked in her classroom without another word, James turned around and ran for Herbology. They were in Greenhouse 4, and as James entered, Fred gave him a sorry look and Louis shook his head and rolled his eyes. Professor Longbottom just chuckled.

"About time," he smiled. "What a Potter. Take your seat, and please have a watch with you at all times."

James sided beside Fred and a bored looking Ravenclaw. She gave James one look, raised her eyebrows, and directed her attention back to Professor Longbottom. James just shrugged.

"Today, we'll be studying Venomous Tentaculas. I know, they're usually supposed to be taught to sixth-years, but since these are only babies, I think we'll be on the safe side so long as you follow the instructions and don't go blowing their roots up. That means you, Finnigan," he pointed at Samantha Finnigan, who blushed and nodded sheepishly. "Now, can anyone tell me all they know about the Venomous Tentacula?"

Instantly, the girl beside James raised her hand. He had a fleeting thought of Hermione as Ron described her, but this girl looked nothing like Hermione. She had short raven hair with bright blue split ends and glasses too big for her face.

"The Venomous Tentacula is a giant eyeless head with fangs, though the shape of its mouth tends to vary, along with many leaves surrounding it. It also has many large vines for appendage which may or may not have separate heads of their own at the ends. Also, they can be severed by the Diffindo Spell."

James' jaw dropped. He reconsidered the girl's familiarism with Hermione.

"Good job, ten points to Ravenclaw," Professor Longbottom smiled a kind of smile which seemed like he knew something they didn't. "And can anyone explain to me their defense mechanism and diet?"

Again, the girl raised her hand, but Louis beat her to it. He normally wasn't very good at Herbology, but as the Venomous Tentacula appeared many times in potion-making, he was very familiar with it. And he also probably didn't like the girl's know-it-all behaviour.

"Aside from biting," Louis started, "some forms of the plant can also fire spiky spore-like balls from their mouths at their targets. The Severing Charm can be used to both stun the creature and sever its arms-"

"I'd already said that," the girl beside James muttered icily. Louis shot her a look before moving on.

"For a diet, Venomous Tentacula eat Chizpurfles, spitting out their carapaces once they have finished."

Professor Longbottom nodded satisfyingly. "Since these are only very young, it shouldn't be hard to keep them under control. Right, three for a plant. All you have to do is cut off all the vines and collect all the leaves. If a good potioneer works with them, the poison can turn into a medicine. Keep your safety gear on, and let's go!"

James snapped his gloves on and glared at Fred, who had ditched him to work with Astra Scamander. Now he was left with Louis and the annoying girl.

"Thanks a lot for interrupting me," Louis spat bitterly.

"Thanks a lot for repeating exactly what I said," she spat back. As James was standing between them both, he felt all the iciness between them better than they felt it themselves.

"Can we just please work on the Tentacula?" He spoke irritatingly. They both broke eye contact and grabbed two different ends of the plant, so James was forced to take the middle.

Five minutes later, James was the angriest one in their group. He swore and he cursed, not unlike many of the other students, as the vines lashed out at him and tried to poison him in any way they could imagine.

"Someone get this off me!" cried Hyacinth. Beside him, a Ravenclaw boy who James vaguely remembered as 'Gerald'-something had already passed out.

James saw Samantha Finnigan with an exceptionally furious face as she yelled "Bombardo Maxima!" with ferociousness. Her plant exploded into a billion pieces, no distinguishing between vine or head. At once, everyone stopped and stepped back. Samantha's face looked like the remains of a an explosion- static frozen hair and a face so black James couldn't tell her features' positions until she opened her eyes.

The first one to talk after minutes of silence was Professor Longbottom, as he sighed tiredly and said with exasperation, "Class dismissed. Come along, Finnigan."

Everyone awkwardly walked out of the greenhouse as people gave frightened and skeptical looks at Samantha Finnigan. She ignored them all as she said goodbye to her friend Prithina Patil and shamefully went with Professor Longbottom towards the hospital wing.

Fred caught up to James in the crowd. "Guess who just felt sweet, sweet revenge?" He was grinning from ear to ear.

"I doubt that's the end of it, though," James replied. "Good luck, Weasley, and try not to surpass Finnigan's anger. You might just explode in the presence of her power."

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