Chapter 26 : Yeah, everything is just peachy. (Matt's P.O.V)

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  • Dedicated to high school Proms. ^.^

Chapter 26 : Yeah, everything is just peachy. 


Sorry, but I had this really cool idea and had to cut short the time.

Matt's P.O.V

"Matt, you bloody idiot. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I don't know! I just…exploded. And messed every thing up."

"Yeah, no shit." He snorts.

Reece is trying to be my therapist and is currently, attempting trying to comfort me on my ginormous mistake. And just for the record, he's a horrible therapist. Trust me, he makes you feel worse. 

Yesterday was the absolute definition of awesome. Both of us were comfortable, cozy and enjoying each other's presence. When I showed her the spot, her jaw reached the ground. She looked so peaceful, and beautiful.

It was just the perfect place to ask her to the Prom. We were talking like we knew each other from ages and I even got a handful of amazing pictures. But after that, everything went downhill.

Half of those are Abby's pictures. 

You're not helping. 

We were talking, holding hands, and for god's sake we even kissed. But I just had to go ruin it, dragging in Liam, because of my jealousy and possessiveness. I feel like ripping my hair out.

Oh man, I completely screwed it up.

Prom's just two days away and I didn't even ask her. And if I ask her now, between all this screwed up shit, I'll probably have a shoe thrown at my face. 

By Lindsay, not Abby. 

I put my heads in my hands and rub my temples. This stuff really got to me.

"Dude, you okay?" Reece asks, warily. 

"Yeah, everything is just peachy." I say, giving him a forced grin. 

I reach over to my bed and grab my pillow, and scream bloody murder in it. This is possibly the most appropriate theory created by girls ever. It actually helps.

I lift my head up from the pillow and rub my eyes. Hell, I don't even know if she got home safely. After yesterday's episode, I haven't been able to have a good night's sleep. I've sent almost a hundred messages to Abby, hoping she at least replies to let me know that she's alright. 

Of course she's not alright, you dumbass.

I deeply sigh and dial Lindsay's number, mentally preparing myself for her 'wrath'.

"Hel-" I say, but get interrupted by a very, very, angry Lindsay.

"What in the world in wrong with you?! Are you out of your mind, huh? This is not what I expected Matt. Did you know what my first thought was when I saw Abby standing at the door, dripping wet with her eyes swollen and red? My first thought was 'I'm going to sue Matt.' Seriously?! You fought with her for Liam?! Liam is her friend Matt, you have to understand that! I'm sorry for shouting at you, but this is completely your fault and I have no clue how you're going to fix it. But you better do. Bye."

I deserved that, didn't I?

Hell yeah.


"Abby, please, just listen to me. I'm sorry, I really am." I say, but once again, she walks off with a blank look on her face. 

I have been following Abby around like a lost puppy the whole day. 

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