Chapter 19

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Jalissa's POV:

"Jalissa," I hear someone whisper next to me. Still half asleep I open my eyes to find Beau smiling widely in my face.

"Hmm," I mumble in a sleepy voice.

"I have training," Beau says.

"So go," I answer rolling over to go back to sleep. I clearly am not a morning person as you may have gathered.

He giggles, "You're in my bed." I sigh and open my eyes again to see him in face once again.

"Creep," I say as I pick myself up out of bed.

"Funny," he smiles sheepishly. I stick my tongue out sarcastically and put my shoes on.

"What's the time?" I ask him as he changes into his footy shorts and boots.

"Ten o'clock," he answers slipping on a singlet.

"Okay," I answer and go to leave.

"Where's my kiss?" he stops me. I turn around and smirk before planting a small kiss on his lips.

"There," I reply then let myself out his door and his house. As I trudge back to my house I check the letterbox to find some mail and a few flyers. One catches my eye.


On the flyer there is a group of cheerleaders being thrown in the air.


I read the details of where it's at and decide to go. I really need to do something active and since there is absolutely no dancing schools around this is as close as I will get. I run inside and find mum and dad are both at work. Since it is holidays we get two weeks off, which would explain why I haven't been at school.

I throw on some short gym shorts, my fluro green Nike crop top and a baggy jumper of the top along with my fluro pink Nike joggers. I then grab a drink bottle and leave a note for mum before setting off to the gym this tryout is at.


After a twenty minute walk I finally arrive at the gym and see about fifty girls and guys waiting outside the doors eagerly. I wait by myself as they all squeal about how much they 'love' cheerleading.

"Jalissa?" I hear someone call my name. Turning around I see those bright blue eyes of Kat's.

"Oh hi!" I say.

"I didn’t know you we're trying out!" she says in her blue crop top and black shorts. On her crop is the word 'Isotonic' printed in rhinestones.

"Oh yeah neither until this morning, do you cheer here?" I reply.

"Ten years this year," she smiles proudly. 

"Wow," I say with an open mouth.

She giggles, "Well I have to go help so I will see you in there."

"Okay bye," I answer and watch her walk away with some girl with jet black hair. And once again I am alone.

I play with the lid on my drink bottle as everyone seems to know someone here. Suddenly it goes silent and I hear someone talk.

"Okay guys and girls, now how this is going to work is you will all be brought into the gym to stretch then we will be teaching you a routine and you will be performing it for us. We will choose the five best cheerleaders here to go into our elite squad and the rest of you will either be contacted for another team or not called. Sorry to anyone who doesn’t get the call but after all you have to be the best to compete against the best. Good luck and let's get started!" the woman who I am assuming is the coach announces.

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